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Romanians repatriated from Gaza

The authorities have repatriated over 200 Romanian citizens and their families from Gaza

Romanians repatriated from Gaza
Romanians repatriated from Gaza

, 17.11.2023, 13:50

Israel cannot leave a void in Gaza and will have to maintain a strong armed force in the near future to prevent the resurgence of Hamas, Israels president Isaac Herzog has recently told Financial Times. The Israeli official is confident no one wants Gaza to relapse into a stronghold for terrorist organizations. He Israeli government is considering a number of options regarding Gaza once the war with Hamas is over, and believes the United States and Israels neighbors will get involved in ensuring post-conflict security in the region, president Herzog went on to say. In his talks with Israels Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, US president Joe Biden strongly argued in favor of a two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding that the occupation of Gaza would be a big mistake. Meanwhile, the Israeli army announced it is very close to destroying the military systems of Hamas in northern Gaza. Israel launched a full-scale attack on Gaza following the unprecedented violent terrorist attacks in southern Israel.

The humanitarian and security situation in Gaza hangs by a thread, and all countries whose citizens are still on the ground are making efforts to evacuate them. Romania too has successfully done that, although the repatriation process is difficult and complex. The evacuation was carried out following the actions of the Task Force created at the level of several Romanian ministries and institutions, also involving the efforts of the Romanian Embassy in Cairo and the Representative Office in Ramallah. Over 200 Romanian citizens and members of their families were evacuated from Gaza into Egypt through the Rafah checkpoint and were subsequently flown to Bucharest. A permission to leave Gaza was required for each of them, and the authorities had to cope with technical obstacles. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Romanian citizens and their families were picked up from the Rafah border by a team of the Rapid Response Unit of the Romanian Foreign Ministry and representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Egypt. From there they were taken to Cairo by another mobile team of the Task Force. Once in Cairo, they were boarded onto flights taking them to Bucharest. The authorities gave assurances they wont abandon those who wish to leave Gaza. A carrier supplied by the European Commission this week took off from Henri Coandă Airport in Bucharest, transporting supplies provided by the Romanian state to the civilians in Gaza. The assistance consists of bedding equipment such as mobile tents, beds, mattresses, pillows and bedding sheets. On October 19, the National Committee for Emergency Situations passed a resolution providing international assistance to the civilian population of Gaza, consisting in food and bedding equipment. (VP)

Foto: PIX1861 /
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