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Romania – Israel, 75

Romanias Parliament has celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations with Israel

Romania – Israel, 75
Romania – Israel, 75

, 18.05.2023, 13:50

Romania was one of the first
countries to recognize Israel and has taken important steps to commemorate the
Holocaust, which demonstrates its commitment to combating anti-Semitism, Amir Ohana,
speaker of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, has said in Bucharest. The Israeli
official has attended the joint meeting of the Senate and the Chamber of
Deputies in Bucharest on the occasion of celebrating 75 years of uninterrupted diplomatic
relations between Israel and Romania. It has been for the first time for a
Knesset speaker to address the Romanian MPs. Amir Ohana has recalled that
Romania was the first country in the communist bloc, which refused to interrupt
the diplomatic relations with Israel. The Israeli official has also added that
the ties between Romania and Israel are better than ever and we are going to
cooperate to consolidate them even more. Friends help each other out and
Romania and Israel will always help each other. The interim president of the
Romanian Senate, Alina Gorghiu, says that Romania is a regional model in terms
of combating anti-Semitism as well as in the assumption of the Holocaust.
Gorghiu has pleaded for stepping up cooperation in certain fields of activity.

Alina Gorghiu:
The Romanian Parliament and the Knesset
need to tighten cooperation on issues that are most important to all of us such
as food safety, transition to green energy, high technologies and cybersecurity
to develop resilience. And we have a lot to learn from Israel in these areas.

In turn, Marcel Ciolacu, president of
the Chamber of Deputies, has recalled the role played by the Jewish community
in Romania and that of the Romanian-born Israelis in keeping these strong ties.

Marcel Ciolacu:
This is equally the result of the tight
connection the two communities knew how to create and maintain, namely the Romanian-born
Israelis and the Jewish community in our country. The culture and history of
the Jewish community is a major landmark and a part in our national history and
culture. At the same time, the history of my country keeps the memory of the Jews
who fought alongside the Romanians and made their contribution to winning the
wars, which helped Romania gain its independence and sovereignty.

Israel is a country that has been
reborn thanks to wisdom and creativity, says the president of the Federation of
the Jewish Communities in Romania, MP Silviu Vexler. In his opinion the Romanian-Israeli
relations are special.

Silviu Vexler:
Romania and the Romanian people are
truly an integrating part of the Israeli state’s DNA. It is true that today we
are celebrating the diplomatic relations but in reality the ties between Romania
and Israel are of a much different nature, they are linked by a true
friendship, tested and validated again and again not only in celebrating
moments, not only when everything is nice and fine but especially in difficult
moments. The aforementioned solemn meeting has been attended by members of
the government, the diplomatic corps and of the Jewish community in Romania.


Guvernul Ciolacu la depunerea jurământului / Foto:
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