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1,2,3 SPA!

First celebrated in 2012, Global Wellness Day was established in Turkey as a day dedicated to living well.

1,2,3 SPA!
1,2,3 SPA!

, 28.05.2019, 13:53

“One day can change your whole life!” This is the motto of this year’s Global Wellness Day or the International Wellness Day in Romania. First celebrated in 2012, Global Wellness Day was established in Turkey as the “first” day dedicated to living well, and is now celebrated worldwide. Reflecting its success, in 2018 Global Wellness Day has been celebrated simultaneously in 130 countries at 5000 different locations with different events ranging from the GWD flag reaching the summit of Mount Everest to giving medical care to children at the Thailand and Myanmar border. On Saturday, June 8th, Romania also celebrates, for the fifth consecutive year, Global Wellness Day, with a whole range of wellness activities and spa therapies, all these free of charge.

Global Wellness Day is an entirely not-for-profit day, a social project dedicated to living well. The purpose of Global Wellness Day is to ask the question, even if for just one day, “How can I live a healthier and better life?”, to direct the thoughts of both individuals and society towards “living well” and to raise awareness.

Ioana Marian, who created the website, tells us how SPA therapies help us make our lives better: “SPA therapies and rituals are aimed at inducing a state of well being, of relaxation. They are very important in prevention and often treat certain health problems. Relaxation is, however, their main goal. The SPA is a place where you can easily obtain this state of relaxation, because it relaxes all senses, from sight, through decorative elements to hearing, music, smell, due to aromatherapy and taste, because every SPA centre has a specific drink, such as a tea or a smoothie. Of course , there is also the tactile sense, through the therapy the customer undergoes.”

Ioana Marian has confirmed that the Romanian spa market is on the increase: “It goes up by the year. Starting 2012, we have been centralising the figures of the SPA market and it is clear that it’s growing. It’s true, the increase is not very big, ranging from 5 to 12% per year, but this is also due to the fact that few new SPA centres are being set up because of an unclear legal framework. It’s a sort of a vicious circle.”

Romania has been celebrating Global Wellness Day since 2015. Thus, all across the country, spa and wellness centres invite customers to pools, saunas, massage, zumba classes, yoga, meditation, dance, fitness, nutrition and many other activities. We have asked Ioana Marian what advice she would give to people in love with the gym and physical exercise: “Sport is also important, but it’s not the only one that matters. Just as we need a certain number of sleeping hours or food, we also need to relax our brain, our senses and act under all aspects – sport, nutrition and relaxation, in everything that generates a state of well-being.”

Ioana Marian tells us how to take advantage of the SPA experience of June 8th and bring some more joy to our lives: “We will organise this year as well, in over 30 SPA centres across Romania, various wellness activities and mini-SPA therapies, free of charge. We will do our best to offer in the SPA centres in every county, where there is only one spa centre, a sort of mini-wellness circuit: with breathing exercises, meditation, stretching and mini SPA therapies so that people can understand better the wellness concept. In cities like Bucharest, Constanta and Brasov, where we have many participant centres, we do not need to organise this circuit because customers can do it by themselves, go from a SPA centre to another all day long. All they need to do is make an appointment. More details on the Global Wellness Day are available on our Facebook page.”

Romania celebrated World Wellness Day alongside another 130 countries.

(Translated by Elena Enache)

Foto: Tomasz Filipek /
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