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The Republic of Moldova, a questionnaire for Europe

After Ukraine, it's the Republic of Moldova's turn to receive the EC questionnaire for the assessment of the country's EU accession application.

The Republic of Moldova, a questionnaire for Europe
The Republic of Moldova, a questionnaire for Europe

, 12.04.2022, 13:50

Just a few weeks after the Moldovan authorities signed the application for EU membership, the Republic of Moldova received on Monday from the Commission the questionnaire based on which the application will be assessed. The document, which Chisinau will have to complete in order to officially start the accession process, was handed over in Luxembourg to the Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu.

This questionnaire serves as a basis for accession negotiations and is a first step in a long process that should bring Moldova the official status of a candidate country for EU accession. Specifically, the questionnaire contains a number of questions. Each state that has joined the Union so far has received this questionnaire. Following Russias invasion of Ukraine, the neighbouring country as well as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia have applied to become members of the EU.

As for Chisinau, Nicu Popescu has said that the team that will work on filling in this questionnaire is ready to start working. Nicu Popescu:

“The answers we will give to the questions in this questionnaire will be an x-ray of our current situation, showing how prepared we are for EU membership and, at the same time, will show us where we need to put more effort. Our country is accelerating its journey along the European path. We have stated many times that we are part of Europe not only geographically, but also through the identity we carry, the values ​​we share, the Romanian language, the official language of the European Union we speak and the common history we have. A period of intense work awaits us, so starting today, when we received the questionnaire, the institutions are ready to provide the necessary information as soon as possible”.

Nicu Popescu has given assurances that the document will be completed in a few weeks, and other details about the next steps in Chisinaus European integration process will most likely be provided in June. From Bucharest, Romania insists on both the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and Georgia be received in the European Union as soon as possible, after the invasion launched by Russia.

“The handing over of the accession questionnaire by the European Commission is an important step on the European path taken by the Republic of Moldova, and Romania is by its side and offers its full support,” President Klaus Iohannis wrote on social media. The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, present in Luxembourg, gave assurances that Bucharest would assist Chisinau during the entire process of European integration. (MI)

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