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Reactions to Russia’s attack on Ukraine

Romania joins the democratic world firmly condemning Russias recent attack on neighboring Ukraine

Reactions to Russia’s attack on Ukraine
Reactions to Russia’s attack on Ukraine

, 24.02.2022, 17:24

president Klaus Iohannis has firmly condemned Russia’s armed aggression against
Ukraine. This act, which follows the illegal recognition by the Russian
Federation of the self-proclaimed breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in
Ukraine, is a blatant infringement of international laws, mainly of the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and the prohibition of the
use of force in international relations’ – the head of the Romanian state says.

has thus joined the international community of democratic states, firmly
rejecting such an irresponsible act, which is undermining the foundation of the
international relations and law.
Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has also condemned the Russian
Federation’s decision to invade the territory of Ukraine, which he describes as
‘an illegal act of aggression’ and has stated the solidarity of the Executive
in Bucharest with the Ukrainian government. He reiterates the fact that Romania
enjoys all the guarantees of security and solidarity entailed by its NATO
membership, advising the Romanian citizens to stay calm.

Parliament parties in Bucharest, both in the government coalition PSD-PNL-UDMR
as well as in opposition such as USR and AUR have condemned the military
aggression in Ukraine. According to the country’s minister of defence Vasile
Dincu, Romania is prepared to receive over 500 thousand refugees from Ukraine.
There is a plan in this respect in all major cities at the border, the
minister says. Romania’s borders with Ukraine stretch over 600 kilometers and
the Romanian community in that country accounts for over 400 thousand people, most
of them in North Bukovina, northern and southern Bessarabia and the Hertza
Land, Romanian territories annexed by Stalin in 1940 and taken over by Ukraine
in 1991, after the dismantling of the USSR.

governments in the entire civilized world have reacted with indignation towards
the new war triggered by what the Western leaders called the megalomania of the
Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin. NATO
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has described it a
reckless and unprovoked attack, which puts at risk countless civilian lives.

The US
and European partners of Ukraine have denounced the new Russian aggression and
have reiterated their support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Ukraine.


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