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Romanian authorities and the crisis in Ukraine

Romania supports the diplomatic resolution of the Ukranian crisis and is ready for any scenario should diplomatic negotiations fail

Romanian authorities and the crisis in Ukraine
Romanian authorities and the crisis in Ukraine

, 18.02.2022, 14:00

The crisis generated by the threat of a Russian invasion in Ukraine is a test for the unity and solidarity of European states, which has so far been successfully passed. On the sidelines of an informal meeting of EU leaders, Romanias president, Klaus Iohannis said that EU states should remain united and this unity should be expressed both by diplomatic efforts and in economic terms. The risks facing European security are critical, and there needs to be an efficient coordination and unity in times of crises, that should boost the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space, president Iohannis argues. The Romanian official also highlighted the need to continue dialogue and come up with a diplomatic solution to the crisis. The EU has a well-prepared series of responses in case the situation escalates, and EU states will act together. Romania is ready for the worst-case scenario, president Klaus Iohannis said.

“We have over 600 km of borders with Ukraine and its possible we might see a flow of migrants. But yes, we are prepared for that. We are also ready in economic terms, we have prepared a series of specific measures. But let me make one thing clear – we want a diplomatic solution. No one wants sanctions, and we want the situation on the eastern flank to be de-escalated by means of appeasing tensions”.

Romania also reiterated its firm support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as for this countrys right to freely decide its European and Euro-Atlantic path, president Iohannis tweeted. On the other hand, in an interview for CNN, Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu disavowed Russias demands that NATO should withdraw its equipment and troops from its eastern flank and hailed the allies firm response in this matter. “We cant afford to have two types of allies, first-rate and second-rate, allies on the eastern flank, without any sort of troops and real equipment and the others. This is unacceptable, and NATO has dismissed this scenario, expressing its unity and solidarity right now”, Bogdan Aurescu argued. The Romanian Foreign Minister also expressed hope that NATOs tactical battlegroups to be set up in Romania will be comparable in structure and size to other battlegroups that are operational in Poland and the Baltic states. Referring to Frances plans to reorganize the European security framework, Bogdan Aurescu says this should be an effort complementary to NATOs actions. No one can replace the Alliance in terms of ensuring the collective defense and security of Europe and NATO as a whole, Aurescu also pointed out. (VP)

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