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Vaccine production – a priority for the EU

After a relatively slow start, the European Union has accelerated its vaccination process

Vaccine production – a priority for the EU
Vaccine production – a priority for the EU

, 26.03.2021, 13:50

Accelerating the
production and rollout of vaccines is a top priority for the European Union, EU
heads of state and government agreed on the sidelines of the European Council
videoconference. French President Emmanuel Macron told the press the Council
has closely examined all possibilities to increase Europe’s vaccine production
capacity, so as to meet the demand of member states. Macron expects Europe to
produce the highest number of vaccines in the world by summer. It is absolutely
key to continue to work together to improve vaccine production in Europe, as
well as our capacity of distributing them to member states. This is our
absolute priority and we are dedicated to achieving this goal, European Council
president Charles Michel said in turn.

The European Commission has strengthened
the mechanism whereby it controls vaccine exports, in order to cut back on the
number of vaccines delivered to countries producing their own vaccines, or
whose population has been already immunized on a large scale. This principle of
reciprocity implicitly targets the United Kingdom, where Brussels exported
millions of doses as early as December, without receiving any vaccines from the
British side, while the contract with AstraZeneca provided such deliveries from
British factories. Representing Romania at the Council meeting was President Klaus
Iohannis, who pointed out the EU is facing a difficult situation generated by
the COVID-19 pandemic. The president expressed Romania’s support for the
Commission’s proposal to limit vaccine exports, but advised caution in using
the mechanism so as not to affect free trade. As regards the system for
distributing vaccines across community space, Iohannis called for maintaining
the pro rata principle currently in

Reuters news agency writes that the European Union is trying to make up
for the slow start of the vaccination campaign, while the number of infections
continues to rise on most member states. As of March 23, for instance, Britain
had administered nearly 46 shots for every 100 people, compared with under 14
per 100 in the 27-nation bloc it left last year. According to an estimate of
Euler Hermes, quoted by France Press, the EU reports a seven-week delay in its
vaccination timetable, which could cost the EU 123 billion Euro in 2021. The
European Union wants to vaccinate 70% of its adult population by late summer,
2021. (V.P.)

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