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The 1st of May Mini-Holiday

Whether its the Black Sea Coast, the mountain area or the Danube Delta, Romanians do not miss out on the opportunity to spend the 1st of May mini-holiday away from home.

The 1st of May Mini-Holiday
The 1st of May Mini-Holiday

, 30.04.2018, 12:14

On May 1st Romanians are proving once again they are no commoners. While most countries mark the International Labour Day though marches and rallies, in an attempt to obtain better working conditions and higher salaries, in Romania this day is celebrated in a completely different way. It is an opportunity to enjoy nature, grab the grills, forget all about the daily burdens and turn the country into the European pole of fun.

Some people prefer short trips to the mountains or picnics right outside the city, while more and more young people are heading for the Romanian beaches. No wonder that on Friday afternoon, when this mini-holiday started officially, thousands of tourists took by storm the mountain, Black Sea and Danube Delta resorts. The Black Sea resorts of Mamaia and Vama Veche are already crowded. High-end and fancy nightclubs are the main attraction, but some people prefer to party right on the beach, in spite of cold weather. The seawater is only 17 degrees Celsius so not many tourists venture into the waves.

The parties on the Black Sea coast have become famous abroad and it wont be long until the resort of Mamaia, a party paradise, competes with Ibiza. Thousands of tourists have opted for the Danube Delta, a UNESCO heritage site and the place where the Danube flows into the Black Sea, to enjoy some great moments in a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. In the Southern Carpathians, on the Prahova Valley, Sinaia is the most crowded resort these days, being fully booked. It is also the most sought after destination by mountain bikers.

The equally beautiful Bran-Moeciu area is also very popular with tourists, who are welcomed with delicacies specific to the region, among which pastrami and home made plum brandy. Cycling and horse riding are some of the outdoor activities provided by guest-houses there. In Poiana Brasov, also in the Southern Carpathians, hotel owners offered special tourist packages that include free access to spas and shows and last but not least they light bonfires.

Many tourists have opted for the county of Maramures, in the north, for a trip by Mocanita, the narrow gauge train, a steam train crossing the beautiful Vaser Valley. Whether they spend their mini-holiday away or at home, barbecuing is already tradition on May 1st. The “mititei, a Romanian specialty consisting of grilled minced-meat rolls, paired with fresh beer, is still the main dish for 1st of May enthusiasts.

Romanians are expected to eat over 30 million “mititei these days, by 15% more than last year. Unfortunately, on the evening of the 1st of May, tourists will come back home because Wednesday is a working day.(Translated by E. Enache)

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