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Listen to Radio Romania International Live

Mail Roundup – October 13

A roundup of messages we've received in the last couple of weeks

Mail Roundup – October 13
Mail Roundup – October 13

, 13.10.2023, 18:24


Friday the 13th, and Halloween approaches…

aside, autumn has claimed its territory across Romania. Our mornings are colder
while our days grow shorter and busier 🙂 We too at the English
Service are working hard to keep the broadcasts going, despite hitting a few
bumps (we’ve been unfortunately locked out from our Gmail address, engl.rri@gmail.com)

A big
shout to everyone who contributes by sending us reports, feedback, suggestion
and comments. We wouldn’t be able to improve and keep going without you guys.

sure to also check out of Listeners of RRI posts, here in this section, as we
continue to introduce you to members of our community.

without further ado, let’s dive into today’s roundup!


Morocco we got a heard-rending message from Maouad Belgrid (Morocco), who wrote
to us to share his experience of last month’s devastating earthquake.

are you? I am happy to communicate with you again after a long absence, and I
am very happy to be one of your honorable family. Frankly, I have been late in
corresponding with you for a long time, but here I am back again and inform you
that we were exposed to a strong earthquake in our region of Tikouka, Taroudant
Province, Morocco.

Frankly, I lost all of my possessions while being rescued. The
house was destroyed by the earthquake. My livestock fell on the cement and they
all died. I could not stand the least. Frankly, we were experiencing a harsh
night. At that moment, at 22:5 minutes, the ground shook.

I was giving food to my ewes at night, and when I returned to my
room, I lay on the floor. Suddenly, I heard the ceiling moving and falling on
the dirt. I ran downstairs, stood in the middle of the house, and began to
recite the Shahada.

I say, I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear
witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God

I started to feel like I was in embarrassment

I heard a sound as if it were a drilling machine falling on the
walls, and I began to hear the screams of children and women in the village.

I hurried outside and an old woman started calling my name, O
enemy, save me. I hurried and saved her, praise be to God. I hurried to another
place and checked on another family. I hurried to another family and found a
father of two children stuck and hitting stones. I entered and found him with a
broken knee.

She was happy until he came out from under the shelter. He told
me to save my father, my mother, and my sister. I hurried. Darkness was
everywhere and dust covered the entire sky. I could no longer see the stars
because of the dust. I hurried and found Sheikh Muhammad. The ceiling had
fallen on him. But had it not been for God’s kindness, he would have been among
the dead.

The cement fell on him, but he was sleeping on the bed. He was
the one who carried the cement on him, but he suffered scratches in his head.
We and other friends took him out, but we found his daughter had died of
suffocation. We carried them outside and they lay on the ground. We hurried to
another house and found another girl under the rescue.

We removed the dirt with our hands until we reached her and found
her at the bottom, but she had suffered fractures and bruises in her eyes. We
treated her with first aid. We rushed to rescue the cows and sheep. We worked
until the early morning. We did not stop working until the morning. We built
our bodies to their final resting place. In the end, please accept my regards,
your friend. Mouad Belgrid from Morocco, and this is my story with the
earthquake that struck Morocco.

It’s hard to find words to respond to a message like that.

We are amazed at your willpower and strength in the wake of a
such a tragedy, which you mustered to pick yourself up and go and help others.
We just wish we could all be like you.

From everyone here at the English Service, we hope you find the
strength to move on and make a new life for yourself after these tragic events.


Mohamad Haidir Hasim
(Malaysia) wrote to us to tell us more about the European Day of Language, an
event hosted by EUNIC Malaysia. Here is what he wrote:

That event was held at Alliance Francaise in Kuala Lumpur and
many European countries embassy or cultural affairs opened booths such as :

1) Germany

2) France

3) Spain

4) Netherlands

5)Czech Republic

6) Hungary

7) Finland

8) Poland

9) Georgia

10) Romania

Many fun activities such as storytelling, short films screenings,
trial classes and many more that we can join.

I visited the Romanian Embassy booth and the Romanian was really
friendly and even nice. And surprisingly some of them can speak my language
(Bahasa Malaysia or Malay language).

They also introduced me more about Romania and Romanian
culture.Also I learn few Romanian word such as Buna Ziua that mean
Hello and find out it’s has similarities with Malay word such as Infrastructura
that mean infrastruktur.

I also meet a Romanian friend that study in Malaysia and can
speak Malay fluently. That’s really cool to me.

After that I visited another booth from Poland until Germany and
meet many friendly European people.

I really wish want to visit Romania one day or learn you
language one day

Well, we really hope you do, Mohamad. Thanks for the wonderful
insight. You can also find below a few photos sent by our friend from Malaysia.




word of appreciation now to Gary Paulson (Seattle, USA), who in the last few
weeks has been sending us daily reports. We are very grateful to hear from you
so often, Gary. And we also appreciate some of your comments – You guys are
signaling in like gangbusters!, You guys could mention my Reports forever!! I
get a thrill out of it! It’s part of why we connect! Us Shortwave Radio Nerds!
We Love You!

we love you too, Gary. We love your passion that sure makes our days
brighter. Our regards to Catherine and a
friendly pat to Gidget and Rudy!

one of the many screenshots Gary sent us.



course, Bidhan Chandra Sanyal also sent us a number of letters marking special
occasions in the calendar. Here is one such message:

1 is celebrated as the International Day of Older Persons or the International
Day of Older Persons around the world.
The United Nations proposed to declare 14 December 1990 as the
International Day of Older Persons, after which the day was observed as the
International Day of Older Persons from 1 October 1991.

this day, we all should not only take an oath to be kind to the elderly, but
also understand the responsibility of caring for the elderly. One of the objectives of celebrating this day
is to eliminate discrimination and mistreatment of the elderly. Keeping seniors healthy and happy in today’s
lifestyle and small family culture is more challenging than ever.

to the latest report of UNFPA i.e. United Nations Population Fund, by 2025 the
elderly population in India will reach 15 crore. In such situations, they will need care more
than ever. There are a few things to
keep in mind to take care of them during this time.

physically active: Being physically active reduces the effects of aging on the
body. Some exercise is important for
seniors. Because it increases heart rate
and helps maintain proper blood flow.
Physical activity results in sweating, which removes harmful substances
from the body. What happens is that the
body maintains better balance and the mind is able to think better. Regular exercise also reduces the risk of
diabetes, Alzheimer’s and dementia in the body.

sleep is important: As the age increases, sleep problems are seen in the
elderly. Lack of sleep at this age can
lead to heart and brain related problems.
So take sleeping pills as per doctor’s advice and if possible exercise,
do yoga, meditate, listen to music, take a walk.

stop being social: A good social life has a positive impact on the mental,
physical and emotional health of the elderly.
According to a study, social engagement maintains a positive mood in the
elderly. For example, forming a group of
elderly people in the park, playing cards with peers, discussing while reading
the newspaper. What happens with this is
that seniors are motivated to keep themselves active. Loneliness has a major impact on the health
of the elderly. So, even after
retirement, maintain your social life, so that you can continue it later.

diet is important: Seniors should have a balanced diet to reduce the risk of
serious diseases. That means their diet
should not be too heavy, should be low in saturated fat items
(ghee-oil-butter-biscuits-meat) and high in fiber-rich items. Their digestive system should be
healthy. Elderly people should eat fresh
food and drink more water and fluids.
Adults should eat adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole

Prepared for Emergencies: If there are seniors at home, it is important to have
a plan in place to deal with any health emergency. The room should have oximeter, BP machine,
sugar testing machine, nebulizer, thermometer etc. Keep in touch with doctors, get your blood
pressure and sugar checked regularly. Be
prepared for what to do in emergency situations, so that right decisions can be
made in time.

country India has some social programs for senior citizens at government
level. I would appreciate it if you
could shed some light on what social schemes are there for the elderly in your

really great to hear and good advice for everyone to look up to, not just the
elderly. At times we too feel we’re not exercising enough, given that we tend
to spend so much of our days behind screens. Thanks for the message, Bidhan, we
really appreciate it.


now to mention another great message we got in the last two weeks, this time sent
by Ashik Eqbal Tokon from Bangladesh. Here is what he wrote:

Radio Romania International (RRI) Team,

hope this email finds you in the best of spirits. I wanted to take a moment to
extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on the occasion of Listener’s Day
and Radio Day, marking a remarkable 95 years of broadcasting excellence!

the very first radio broadcast aired in Romania on November 1st, 1928, RRI has
been a steadfast source of information, entertainment, and cultural enrichment
for listeners both in Romania and around the world. Over the years, your
dedication to delivering high-quality content has made RRI an indispensable
part of many people’s lives, mine included.

personally began tuning in to RRI in 1993, and it didn’t take long for me to
become completely captivated by the diverse and enriching content you provide.
RRI has been my unique hub to discover Romania and its rich history, culture,
traditions, customs, literature, and even the advancements in science and
technology. Your broadcasts have offered me a window into the heart of Romania
and the vibrant spirit of its people.

journey I’ve undertaken with RRI has been both enlightening and enjoyable. Your
commitment to promoting cross-cultural understanding and fostering connections
between Romania and the world is truly commendable. Through your broadcasts,
you have not only educated but also inspired countless listeners like me to
explore the beauty of Romania and the depth of its heritage.

someone who began tuning in to RRI in 1993, I’ve had the privilege of
witnessing your broadcasts’ profound impact on the world. Allow me to highlight
some of the key contributions that RRI has made over these 95 years:

Cultural Ambassador: RRI has acted as a cultural ambassador for Romania,
bringing its rich heritage, traditions, and artistic achievements to audiences
worldwide. Your programs have provided valuable insights into Romania’s
history, customs, and artistic endeavours, fostering a deeper understanding of
this vibrant nation.

Language and Education: RRI has been a valuable resource for language learners,
offering Romanian language lessons and promoting linguistic diversity. Your
educational initiatives have enabled people from diverse backgrounds to learn
and appreciate the beauty of the Romanian language.

Cross-Cultural Understanding: RRI has played a pivotal role in promoting
cross-cultural understanding by showcasing Romania’s diverse cultural tapestry
and fostering dialogue between different nations. Through your broadcasts, you
have bridged cultural gaps and encouraged international cooperation.

Connecting Diaspora: For Romanians living abroad, RRI has been a lifeline to
their homeland, helping them stay connected with their roots and heritage. Your
broadcasts have provided a sense of belonging and nostalgia to the Romanian

News and Information: RRI has been a trusted source of news and information,
especially during times of global events and crises. Your accurate and reliable
reporting has informed the world about developments in Romania and beyond.

Cultural Exchange: Through collaborations with international broadcasters and
cultural institutions, RRI has facilitated cultural exchange, bringing the
world to Romania and Romania to the world. This has enriched the global
cultural landscape.

RRI, I have discovered a captivating way of learning about Romania and its
culture: engaging quizzes. These quizzes have not only tested my knowledge but
have also broadened my understanding of this beautiful country. Participating
in them has been a rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity
to have won a few.

you celebrate this significant milestone, please know that your impact on
Romania and the world has been immeasurable. Your dedication to promoting
Romania’s unique identity and fostering global connections is a testament to
the power of radio as a medium for education, cultural enrichment, and

again, congratulations on 95 years of broadcasting excellence, and here’s to
many more years of sharing the wonders of Romania with the world. Thank you for
being a reliable source of knowledge and inspiration and for connecting us all
through the magic of radio.

Ashik, you honor us with your kind words, which compel us to continue to
deliver top-quality broadcasts in the future as well.


now time to mention some of the listeners who took the time to send letters to
our department by regular post.

Toyama, Japan

RRI. Greetings from still hot fall season in Japan. It is continuing sunny
weather especially 2023. Thank you for broadcasting to Japan and returning my
letter and postcard. I was very happy to receive it.

is also what Yoshihiro included in the envelope – a postcard and what appears
to be some coupons.



Mohan Bain, India

this year we are going to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of Pariwar Bandhu SWL
Club. Pradiwar Bandhu SWL Club continuously works for audience growth. There
are a total of 231 members in our club. We regularly organize contests/surveys,
many people participate in them. We give radio / t-shirts, wrist watches, bags,
etc. as gifts. We always keep in touch with the radio station, listen to the
program and give our feedback on it, you also always support us and we thank
your radio station. Along with this letter, we are sending you 4 cards prepared
on the occasion of our 33rd anniversary, please inform us when you receive
them. If possible, add them to Radio Romania’s mail roundup page, so other
listeners will get to know about our club. Our page is open on Facebook, any
listener can join it.

you Anand, and Happy Anniversary on your special occasion. Your club’s
contribution to our station has been very valuable over the years. Please
inform all your members of our heartfelt appreciation.





the USA, Bill Patalon wrote to us, enclosing the following postcard.



you all for writing, it’s always nice to open up old-fashioned letters and be
able to respond.


Sweden, Christer Brunström sent his regular monthly report, adding the
following comment:

am engaged in a radio project for the Swedish DX Federation. On November 3rd
there will be a one-hour broadcast in Swedish via Channel 292 in Germany on
9670 kHz. I have contributed a few features to this broadcast. There will
another broadcast at Christmas and then one for World Radio Day on February 13h
next year.

luck with your project, hope the broadcasts goes as planned. Christer was also
kind enough to send a recording detailing his contribution, which we’re airing
this weekend in our DX mailbag.


got a nice message accompanying a report sent in by John Jurasek (USA), who

broadcasts are very informative and interesting – I am always guaranteed to
learn something new about Romania every time I listen, and I find the music
selections to be most enjoyable likewise! I applaud your station for continuing
to utilize shortwave radio – as it remains highly effective in reaching
listeners who haven’t any other means to listen, due to financial circumstance,
remote location, or as a product of war, disaster or censorship. I listen very
regularly on 11620 kHz and 13650 kHz, occasionally I will also tune in on 11800

John, for your kind regards. It’s getting harder by the day to stay on SW these
days, but we’re relentless and devoted to our listeners.


Aqeel Bashir (Pakistan) also submitted a number of reception reports, at one
point adding:

hope this email finds you well. First and foremost, I want to express my
heartfelt gratitude for consistently delivering high-quality programming to
your audience. Your dedication to providing informative and engaging content is
truly commendable.

have been a keen listener of your broadcasts, not only in English but also in
other languages, despite not being proficient in those languages. Thanks to the
wonders of technology and Google Translator, I can easily understand and enjoy
the rich content you offer.

for writing and for your kind words, Muhammad. They mean a lot to the team.


ending, we warmly invite everyone to contribute to our special programme
devoted to Listener’s Day.

Sunday, the 5th of November 2023, on the first Sunday following the
Romanian Radio day which we celebrate every year on November 1, we invite you
to take part in a special programme marking Listeners’ Day on Radio Romania

is set to become the warmest in recorded history, warns the EU Copernicus
Service, after average temperatures measured around the world during the summer
and in September have reached the highest levels ever recorded. Climate change
has triggered not only temperature records, but also extreme phenomena:
devastating fires, heavy rainfalls, thunderstorms and flooding.

the 2023 edition of Listeners’ Day, we ask you whether (and how) climate change
has influenced you; what steps do you think should be taken to help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, and how could each of us contribute to reducing our
carbon footprint? Do you see education as a useful instrument to tackle climate
change more efficiently, should there be more platforms to discuss climate
change? What role do mass media play in this context?

are looking forward to receiving your answers, which will be included in our
show on the 5th of November! You can email them to us, at engl@rri.ro, post
them on Facebook or send them as a comment to this item on RRI’s website at
www.rri.ro. You can also send us pre-recorded answers on email, via WhatsApp,
at +40744.31.26.50, or you can send us your telephone number so we can call you
from the studio and record your opinions.


roundup is at an end, but before actually ending, we say thanks to everyone
else who contributed in the last two weeks and deserve and honorable mention: John
Zachary Alvarez (Philippines), Madhab Chandra Sagour (India), Igor Belevich
(Belarus), Richard Lemke (Canada), Hidemitsu Miyake (Japan), Ding Lu (China), Toshiki
Tsuboi (Japan), Timofeyev Uhra (Kazakhstan), Jayanta Chakrabarty (India),
Hiromichi Kinoshita (Japan), Chris Malboeuf (Canada), Tomasz Kotas (Poland), Siddhartha
Bhattacharjee (India), Nithin George (India), Kraig Krist (USA), Rob den Boer
(Netherlands), Ratan Kumar Paul (India), Karobi Hazarika (India), Juan Antonio
Arranz Sanz (Spain), G. Vinoth (India), Adrian Micaleff (Malta), Art Wormald
(Canada), Alexey Kulakov (Russia), Jose Angel Vazquez Torres (Mexico), H.M.
Tarek (Bangladesh), Aksa Ahmed (Bangladesh), Saif Ahmed Utsha (Bangladesh), Eti
Mone (Bangladesh), Allan S. Fenix (Philippines), Mitul Kansal (India), Ashok
Kansal (India), Roberto Alvarez-Galloso (USA), Braeden Watson (Canada),
Muhammad Arshad Qureshi (Pakistan), Mikio Kohara (Japan), Alokito Manush Cai
(Bangladesh), Richard Contone (USA), Ashik Eqbal Tokon (Bangladesh), Debakamal
Hazarika (India), Takashi Ogasawara (Japan), Misayo Tanaka (Japan), Vendel
Boree (USA), Alokesh Gupta (India), Shobuz Mahmud (Bangladesh), Jon Collins
(UK), Thamminana Krushna Rao (India), Koray Kahvecioglu (Turkey), Michael
Dentremont (Canada), Debashis Gope (India), Mikael Sjoberg (Sweden), Nithin
George (India), Mahfuzur Rahman (Bangladesh), Paul Shivendu (India), Rasheed
Naz (Pakistan).


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