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Provisions for the Automotive Industry

According to the latest estimates, eco-friendly cars are going to reach a market share of 29% in Romania this year

sursă foto: pixabay.com
sursă foto: pixabay.com

, 20.02.2024, 13:50

Romania’s car market is growing by the year, integrating the latest technologies in the field. According to a survey made by the Car Makers and Importers Association (APIA), this market will continue developing in 2024 as well with an estimated growth of 5.3% a moderated pace as compared to that last year. The data released reflects an adjustment to the new economic, social and political dynamics. According to the estimates made public on Monday, the green cars are to amount for 29% of Romania’s total car market by the end of this year with the registered-cars market also on the rise.


However, even with 150 thousand units sold, the Romanian market still is under the level of the years 2018 and 2019, proof of the long-term impact of the Covid pandemic.

In spite of the challenges though, the eco-friendly cars will remain in the focus of attention and the sales of the fully electric vehicles is also expected to continue their upward trend, even though at a slower pace. Here is APIA chairman, Dan Vardie


Dan Vardie:The APIA 2024 forecast starts from the premise that we are going to see a more conservative growth as compared to last year. Vehicles are going to benefit this growth the most, but the commercial electrified vehicles like lorries and buses are going to see a spectacular development. The market of the fully electric cars will continue to be on the rise at a slower pace though, of only 27.7%, but they will register a significant growth in 2024 as well. However, the market share of the plug-in hybrids will not be that significant but their sales will also be on the rise standing at 9%. The full hybrids will also have a good development. The sales of diesel vehicles are expected to go down in 2024.

Dan Vardie says that 15 thousand electric cars were sold in Romania last year as compared to Germany with 500 thousand sold. Data shows that the number of green cars to be registered in Romania this year will triple as compared to the diesel ones.

Producers and importers are foreseeing an increase in the number of electrified cars registered at almost the same level of last year, namely +24.5%.


According to APIA survey, the category of light commercial vehicles is expected to hit a 7.2% growth as compared to last year with a market share of all registered vehicles of roughly 10.8%, at almost the same level last year. The market share of 4×4 vehicles is expected to reach 25.9%, a 14.4% rise in the number of registered vehicles as against last year.


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