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November 30, 2023

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, 30.11.2023, 13:55

DEFENCE Romania’s new Army Chief of Staff is the general lieutenant
Gheorghiţă Vlad. At the swearing in ceremony on Thursday, president Klaus
Iohannis said Vlad was entrusted with the responsibility of carrying on the
Army’s process of adapting to new challenges and of maintaining a high level of
battle training for the troops. We need more determined measures to re-launch
the national defence industry, the president also said, including though
industrial cooperation, so that a larger share of the ammunition and equipment
we need to be produced domestically. This and the high level of military
training, will ensure a strong and credible defence capacity, adapted to the
new security challenges, the head of state added.

Romania, the deposit and return scheme for beverage containers became
operational on Thursday. Romania will run the second-largest programme of this
kind in Europe, after the one in Germany, in terms of the number of containes
processed. Romanians who pay a 10-Eurocent deposit on purchasing bottled
beverages from retailers will be able to return the container to drop-off
centres organised by retailers, and will be refunded their deposits without
having to produce the receipt for the original purchase. Deposit-carrying
containers will be introduced gradually, with a transition period until current
stocks in shops are sold out.

Romanian foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu took part on Wednesday in an
informal dinner ahead of the OSCE ministerial council in Skopje, organised by
the rotating chairmanship holder, North Macedonia. Talks focused on Russia’s
war of aggression against Ukraine and the need for an efficient OSCE in times
of conflict. In her address, the Romanian diplomat emphasised the difficult
circumstances in which the Organisation operates, in the context of Russia’s
unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. She also
reiterated Romania’s solidarity with the Ukrainian people, emphasising the
multi-dimensional support given to Ukraine. Luminiţa Odobescu also highlighted
the negative impact on the Republic of Moldova, the social and economic
difficulties facing Moldova as a result of Russia’s various pressures, as well
as the relevance of Moldova in the security dynamics of the region.

former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who played a major role in shaping
the US foreign policy under presidents Nixon and Ford, died on Wednesday aged
100, the BBC announced. Kissinger was a national security adviser and a state
secretary between 1969 and 1977, during which the US ended its involvement in
the Vietnam War, opened its relations with China and saw the end of hostilities
in the wake of the 1973 Yom Kippur War in the Middle East. He won the Nobel
Peace Prize, although his opponents claiming his role in bombing Cambodia and Laos
amounted to war crime. He pioneered the concept of Realpolitik, which values
pragmatism in international relations, the BBC also said.

HOLIDAY Christians
celebrate today Andrew the Apostle, the patron saint of Romania. Historical records
indicate that Saint Andrew preached in Scythia, in the north and west of the
Black Sea, including present-day Dobrudja, where he ordained priests and
bishops who took the word of Christ to the Dacian population between the Danube
and the Carpatians. As such, he is recognised as the patron saint of Romania. He
was martyred by crucifixion in the city of Patras, in Greece.

ISRAEL An attack
by 2 Palestinians in western Jerusalem at rush hour killed 3 people and wounded
7 others, 4 of whom are in a serious condition. The attack took place as the
truce between Israel and Hamas was renewed for the 7th consecutive
day, in order to carry on the exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian
prisoners. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, the attackers were
identified as Hamas supporters and had been formerly imprisoned in Israel. As
for the new ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the revised list of hostages to
be freed only includes 8 children. Hamas explained that this was because of the
2 Israelis with dual, Russian and Italian citizenship, who were released
yesterday in a show of goodwill towards the Russian president Vladimir Putin. (AMP)

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SWI swissinfo.ch SWI swissinfo.ch
Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl
creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti
italradio italradio
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