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May 9, 2023 UPDATE

A roundup of domestic and international news


, 09.05.2023, 20:00

Europe Day. In his message on Europe Day, Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis stressed that in 2023, the celebration was marked by profound changes at global level. The consequences of the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine have multiplied, and the principles, values ​​and multilateral system that have been the foundation of peace after the Second World War are under threat, while at global level we see a tendency of fragmentation and geopolitical resettlement, Klaus Iohannis said in his message. In this global context, with so many challenges, Europe, a symbol of the values ​​of peace, freedom, democracy, and human rights, has an even more important role today. Defending these values ​​is a responsibility that will shape the world in which the future generations will grow. Romania, Klaus Iohannis, also said, is an active part of the European efforts and initiatives to implement common strategic priorities, for the benefit of our citizens. Unity and solidarity remain our main asset, and the last years have been clear proof that we are stronger only united and in solidarity, Klaus Iohannis concluded.

Visit. The European Commissioner for Transport, the Romanian Adina Vălean, is paying formal visits to the Republic of Moldova and Romania, between May 9 and 11. In Chisinau, Adina Valean and the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Lilia Dabija, signed on Tuesday, in the presence of Prime Minister Dorin Recean, an agreement that affiliates Moldova to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEE). It will facilitate access to European funds for major infrastructure projects, in order to improve the countrys connectivity both with Europe and internally. Also in Chisinau, the agreements between the Republic of Moldova and Romania on the modernization of three bridges over the Prut River were signed. On May 10 and 11, the European Commissioner will be in Romania, to visit the Port of Constanţa, on the Black Sea coast, where she will hand over to Romanian beneficiaries two CEE grants for the funding of military mobility actions. One of the projects is about the modernization of the railway infrastructure in the Port of Constanţa – an essential crossing point within the EU-Ukraine solidarity corridors.

Ordinance. The Romanian Finance Ministry published on its website, on Monday evening, the draft emergency ordinance by means of which the Government hopes to save over 5 billion lei (1 billion Euros) to the budget. The measures proposed include a 10% reduction in goods and service spending in public institutions, as well as a hiring freeze, with certain exceptions. Also, the number of positions in the offices and chancelleries of the central public administration is to be reduced by half. The government is expected to adopt the document this week.

Cybersecurity. The new European Cybersecurity Competence Center was inaugurated, on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with the participation of Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă and of several senior European officials, a press release from the European Commission Representation in Romania reads. This center aims to support innovation and industrial policy in the field of cyber security, as well as to develop and coordinate EU projects in the field. According to the prime minister, the presence in this part of Europe of an essential component for strengthening the EUs cyber resilience reconfirms the attention given to our common efforts to protect the economy, the citizens and the public institutions. The decision to select Bucharest as the host city of the Center also took into account the very attractive local ecosystem, the Romanians knowledge, skills, innovation and talent in the field of cyber security, Ciuca stressed. Attending the inauguration event, Roberto Viola, Director-General of the European Commissions Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) said that Bucharest competed with five other European cities to host such a center and won thanks to its vibrant system of researchers that promote innovation and thanks to the skills they have in the field of cyber security. “Europe is becoming increasingly digitized and there are risks and benefits during this process. The risk is that opponents of democracy will attack the foundations of democracy and the way of life of the citizens and of Europe” , the European official added.

Milk. In Romania, the negotiations between the big milk retailers and processors have ended, so the price of milk has already dropped, on average by 20% in most stores. According to the Competition Council, in the case of some assortments, the decrease will even reach 34%. The president of the institution says that the measure should not affect farmers, on the contrary, by stimulating domestic consumption, demand will increase, and local producers will sell more. The voluntary agreement for cheaper milk between retailers and processors is valid 6 months, starting May 1st, and the Competition Council will monitor its application.

Gaudeamus. The Gaudeamus Book Fair, organized by Radio Romania, opens its doors on Wednesday in Oradea (north-west). Over 50 brands, among which the most prestigious publishing houses and Romanian and foreign book distribution agencies, will present their offer in 45 stands. Visitors can choose from thousands of titles from various fields, for all ages and tastes, a large part of which are recent releases. According to the organizers, the editorial offer will be completed by a generous selection of educational games and quality music. (MI)

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