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November 21, 2021 UPDATE


, 21.11.2021, 21:44

COVID-19 The number of new coronavirus infections in Romania dropped
below 2,000 on Sunday, for the first time in 9 weeks. 1,936 new COVID-19 cases were reported out of
nearly 23,000 tests, along with 121 related fatalities, 16 of them from an
earlier date. As many as 1,573 patients are in intensive care, but the number
of patients is on the decrease. The National Committee on Emergency Situations agreed that in places with infection rates below 3 per
thousand schools may resume on-site teaching regardless of the vaccination rate
among teaching staff. Several activities subject
to restrictions in recent weeks may now be resumed, but a final decision is to
be made by the government. Such activities include sports events, concerts,
performances and outdoor festivals, conferences and training sessions. Only
holders of the digital Covid certificate will be permitted to take part.

MOLDOVA The president of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu
will be on an official visit to Romania on Tuesday, at the invitation of her
Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis. This is Sandu’s first visit to Romania
since July’s early election won by her party Action and Solidarity (PAS), and
it takes place in the context of the celebration of 30 years of diplomatic
relations, after in 1991, the ex-Soviet republic proclaimed its independence
from Moscow. According to the Romanian presidency, this is an opportunity to
reconfirm the special, privileged Strategic Partnership between the 2 countries,
based on common linguistic, cultural and historical elements. The talks between
Iohannis and Sandu will encourage the development of joint projects in the
fields of energy, transport, healthcare, education and information society, with
a focus on projects designed to help connect the Republic of Moldova with the
EU to the benefit of all its citizens.

SPORTS Romania’s national rugby team defeated Tonga 32-20,
in a test match in Bucharest. According to the media, the game was quite useful
to both teams, which are trying to qualify for the 2023 World Championships in
France. Won the other 2 matches played this month, 29-14 against Uruguay, in a
test match in Verona, Italy, on November 7, and 56-15 against the Netherlands
in Bucharest, in Rugby Europe Championship 2021, on November 13. Romania is
currently placed 15th in the World Rugby standings. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

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