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June 13, 2021 UPDATE

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June 13, 2021 UPDATE
June 13, 2021 UPDATE

, 13.06.2021, 19:43

COVID-19 The number of Covid-19 infections remains low in Romania with
only 69 new cases reported on Sunday. 30 Covid-related fatalities have been
reported in the past 24 hours while 229 patients are in intensive care. The
infection rate is going down in Bucharest as well where 0.14 cases per thousand
have been reported. At present all the Romanian territory is in the green tier.
On the other hand, the vaccine rollout is moving at a lower pace with only 39
thousand doses administered in the past 24 hours. Since the vaccine rollout
commenced in late December 2020, over 4.1 million people have been vaccinated
in Romania. In another development, the European digital certificate is due to
become operational in Romania on July 1st. The aforementioned
document proves that a person has been vaccinated, tested negative or had the
disease in the past.

PANDEMIC The mayor of Moscow has reintroduced
restrictions for both people and businesses after the Covid infection rate has
reached the figures registered in winter. The number of Covid cases in Russia
has increased and most of the new cases are in the capital city. On Saturday
Moscow reported 67 thousand new cases, the highest number since December.
Employers have been requested to allow at least 30% of the employees to work
from home. Employees over 65 years old and with chronic diseases have been sent
to work from home with the exception of those vaccinated. According to the
authorities, the latest surge in the number of infections is due to people’s
ignoring prevention and protection rules and to the sluggish vaccine rollout.
In another development, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the
government must be cautious as it decides whether to end all Covid restrictions
in England on 21st June. Cases are rising as the Delta variant
spreads. Over 176 million infections have been reported worldwide since the
beginning of the pandemic with 3.8 million fatalities, according to data
released by worldmeters.info. Most of the fatalities have been reported in the
USA, India and Brazil.

G7 At
the endof their latest summit in
Cornwall, England, leaders of the G7 countries on Sunday pledged to carry on
post-Covid economic recovery plans ‘as long as it is necessary’ avoiding past mistakes
when stimulus measures had been abruptly cut. G7 leaders are also backing a
minimum global corporate tax and have called for a transparent, evidence-based
and expert-led WHO investigation into the Covid-19 origins. The G7 members have
agreed to step up their production and delivery of anti-Covid vaccines around
the world, European Union Council President Charles Michel said on Sunday. The
group is to provide one billion doses of the Covid vaccine in the next year and
will cooperate with the private sector, G20 and other countries to step up
contribution in the following months.

SUMMIT Romanian president Klaus Iohannis goes to Brussels on Monday to
attend the NATO summit where he is expected to back the alliance’s adjusting to
the present security context so that the organization may become politically
and militarily stronger. Iohannis is going to reiterate Romania’s commitment to
contributing to NATO’s operational, conceptual and financial efforts by
carrying on its 2% GDP contribution to the defence industry. According to a
communiqué issued by the presidential administration, allied leaders are going
to choose the guidelines upon which the alliance is going to strengthen its political
and military role as well as its role as an international player thanks to the
strategic reflection process NATO 2030.


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