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March 7, 2016 UPDATE

President Iohannis on state visit to Israel; Dacia employees protest; South Korea begins military exercises

March 7, 2016 UPDATE
March 7, 2016 UPDATE

, 07.03.2016, 12:05

The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, who is on a state visit to Israel, met on Monday in Jerusalem with his counterpart, Reuven Rivlin. Romania, the President said, pays special attention to its relations with Israel, and his visit is intended to honour the tradition of the 68 years of constant diplomatic ties and, more importantly, to pave the way for further bilateral cooperation. The President added that Romania intends to become a regional centre in fighting anti-Semitism and promoting Holocaust education. Also on Monday, Iohannis had talks with PM Benjamin Netanyahu. On Tuesday, Iohannis will have a meeting with the president of the Israeli Parliament, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, and will visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. From Jerusalem, Iohannis will travel to the Palestinian territories, for official talks with President Mahmoud Abbas.

Five thousand employees of Dacia, the largest carmaker in Romania, controlled by the French group Renault, took part in a protest on Monday in Mioveni, in the south of the country. People are primarily disgruntled with the delays in the building of the Pitesti-Sibiu motorway. This is a major route, because it reduces the way out of Romania for the vehicles intended for export. The Mioveni-based plant loses 30 euro/vehicle because of the infrastructure. The unionists also demand legislative measures to discourage the imports of second-hand cars, changes in the labour legislation and in healthcare laws.

The largest military exercises ever organized by South Korea began on Monday, against the backdrop of tensions with the communist regime in Pyongyang. Some 300,000 South-Korean troops and 15,000 American ones take part in the manoeuvres, which will end in late-April. The UN Security Council decided last week to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang, after its recent nuclear and ballistic tests. The draft resolution introduced by the USA was unanimously approved, including by North Koreas only ally, China.

Newsflash Sunday, 07 July 2024

July 7, 2024

Citizenship. Romanian nationals living in Spain will be able to obtain dual citizenship by the end of the year, said the Romanian prime minister...

July 7, 2024
Newsflash Saturday, 06 July 2024

July 6, 2024 UPDATE

Romania-Spain. The timetable for the implementation of the agreement on granting dual citizenship for Romanian nationals residing in Spain was the...

July 6, 2024 UPDATE
Newsflash Saturday, 06 July 2024

July 6, 2024

Meeting. Romanian prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said that by the end of the year, Romanians will no longer need visas to travel to the US, can hold...

July 6, 2024
Newsflash Friday, 05 July 2024

July 5, 2024 UPDATE

ELECTIONS – Ruling coalition parties PSD and PNL decided that the first round of the presidential election will take place on November 24, with the...

July 5, 2024 UPDATE
Newsflash Friday, 05 July 2024

July 5, 2024

DATE The ruling PSD and PNL decided the first round of the presidential election in Romania take place on November 24 and the second on December 8....

July 5, 2024
Newsflash Thursday, 04 July 2024

July 4, 2024 UPDATE

Elections. The PSD-PNL ruling coalition in Romania on Thursday reached consensus on the exact dates of the presidential and parliamentary elections...

July 4, 2024 UPDATE
Newsflash Thursday, 04 July 2024

July 4, 2024

ELECTIONS – The PSD-PNL ruling coalition has today reached consensus on the exact dates of the presidential and parliamentary elections following...

July 4, 2024
Newsflash Wednesday, 03 July 2024

July 3, 2024 UPDATE

Powerplant. The project for the building of Units 3 and 4 of the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant (in south-eastern Romania) has received the positive...

July 3, 2024 UPDATE


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