Transmitter out of service
Transmitter BD 300-1 in Tiganesti is out of service

România Internațional, 09.11.2021, 18:12
Dear friends, RADIOCOM, the RRIs broadcasting service provider, has announced that one of the short wave transmitters, BD 300-1, located in Tiganesti, near Bucharest, is still out of service. RADIOCOM is doing its best to fix it. Affected are short wave frequencies for the RRI programmes in Romanian (azimuth New York and Curierul romanesc, aired on Sunday), English (azimuth New York, San Francisco, Nairobi, London, Tokyo and Australia), French (azimuth Paris, Central Africa, Magreb), German (azimuth Berlin), Spanish (azimuth Madrid, Buenos Aires), Russian (azimuth Moscow, Novosibirsk), Arabic (azimuth Maghreb and Mashrek) and Chinese (azimuth Beijing).
RADIOCOM also announced that transmitter BD 100-1 in Saftica had a mechanical problem that affected programmes in Italian, Serbian, Ukrainian and the Aromanian dialect. The problem was partially fixed but programmes with azimuth 30 degrees Kiev, in Ukrainian, cannot be broadcast. RADIOCOM gave assurances that is doing its best to make the transmitter in Saftica fully functional as soon as possible.
We will keep you informed on the situation and we invite you to tune in for RRIs short-wave broadcasts on the frequencies in Ţigăneşti (BD 300-2), Galbeni (ID 300-1 and ID 300-2), on the website (including on demand), on SoundCloud, on apps, via TuneIn and satellite.
We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope the situation will soon be remedied!