The National Day of Romania, December 1st
Basic vocabulary related to the Great Union Day

România Internațional, 01.12.2015, 16:42
For all its people, Romania’s grim communist decades had a negative washback effect as regards all official celebrations which back then were a hundred percent related to the history of the Romanian Communist Party.
Despite that, Romania boasts a string of celebrations having nothing to do with communism. One such celebration is the National Day on December 1st, so we are proud to get you acquainted with basic vocabulary related to this very special day.
Here is a bunch of words and phrases related to the Great Union Day:
Ziua Marii Uniri= the Great Union Day
Regatul Romaniei=the Kingdom of Romania
A declara=declare
Parada militara=military parade
A marsalui, a trece in mars=march
Arcul de Triumf=Triumphal Arch
La datorie=in the line of duty
Eveniment caritabil=charity event
And here are a few sentences including some of the words and expressions above:
Ziua Marii Uniri se sarbatoreste in Romania dupa Decembrie 1989.
The Great Union day has been celebrated in Romania after December 1989.
La aceasta data, Transilvania a fost declarata oficial parte din Regatul Romaniei din vremea ceea.
On this day, Transylvania was officially declared part of the then Kingdom of Romania.
In Capitala Romaniei, Bucuresti, Ziua Marii Uniri se sarbatoreste cu o parada militara.
In Romania’s capital city Bucharest, the Great Union Day is celebrated with a military parade.
Anul acesta, mai bine de 2 000 militari vor trece in mars pe sub Arcul de Triumf in capitala Romaniei.
This year, over 2,000 military will march under the Triumphal Arch in the capital city.
In alte parti ale tarii, sint organizate diverse evenimente.
Elsewhere across the country, various events are organized.
Sint comemorati romanii care au cazut la datorie in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial.
Commemorated are the Romanians who were killed in the line of duty during the First World War.
De citiva ani, primariile organizeaza concerte si evenimente caritabile in ziua de 1 decembrie.
In recent years, various city halls organize concerts and charity events on December 1st.
Din acest motiv, ziua de 1 Decembrie s-a transformat intr-o sarbatoare mai degraba populara.
For this reason, December 1st turned more into a popular celebration.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!