The Conditional
Expressing wishes and desires

România Internațional, 16.10.2015, 12:00
Being able to express complex function in spoken Romanian while interacting with a native may give you the opportunity to have a better social or even professional insertion in Romania, if you happen to be here for travel, study or even business purposes.
Wishes and desires have various contexts where they can be used appropriately. Expressing wishes in Romanian is the rough equivalent of the Conditional, or the If Clause in English. In Romanian, verb morphology is rather complex, and the corresponding mood is the Conditional-optativ.
Here are some relevant words and phrases:
mai devreme=earlier
la prinz=at noon
program de pregatire=training program
And here are some meaningful, communicative patterns including some of the words and phrases above:
Daca ai vorbi mai incet, am putea termina treaba mai devreme astazi.
If you spoke a bit softer, we could finish the job earlier today.
Daca mi-ai oferi toate datele, as putea termina raportul pina miine la prinz.
If you gave me all the data, I could finish the report by tomorrow at noon.
Daca am avea acces la mai multe programe de pregatire, ne-ar fi mai usor la servici.
If we had access to more training programs, it could be easier for us at work.
Daca am lucra in liniste, am putea fi mai eficienti in ceea ce facem.
If we worked more quietly, we could be more efficient in what we do.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!