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Summer holiday options

Having a stay in the mountains

Summer holiday options
Summer holiday options

, 16.06.2019, 12:56

Despite its predicament in terms of economy, Romanian is still rated as a beautiful country. The summer season is open to everybody, so we invite you to stay fit and climb our mountains and breathe the fresh air of the mountain woods.

As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and phrases:


Urca=climb up

Cobori=climb down


Aer curat=fresh air

A se bronza=to get suntanned

Carari de munte=mountain paths

Let us use some of these words and phrases in meaningful sentences.

Daca ati avea vacanta, ati putea face un tur prin Romania.

If you were on holiday, you could take a tour of Romania.

Ati putea veade o multime de locuri frumoase, de orase, fiecare cu ceea ce are specific.

You could see a lot of beautiful places, a lot of cities, each with their own specific elements.

Urcind si coborind pe jos, pe carari de munte, respirind aer curat, v-ati odihni cu adevarat.

Climbing up and down, along mountain paths, breathing fresh air, you can really rest.

La mare, v-ati bronza, ati inota, si ati putea face plimbari lungi pe plaja.

At the seaside, you could get suntanned, you could swim, and you can take long walks on the beach.

Orasul Cluj, in centrul Transilvaniei, este vestit pentru numeroasele lui institutii de invatamint si cultura.

The city of Cluj, in central Transylvania, is famous for its numerous education and culture institutions.

In Cluj ati putea vedea si vestita Gradina Botanca.

In Cluj, you can also visit the famous Botanical Gardens.

In Brasov, in centrul Romaniei, ati vedea Biserica Neagra.

In the central Romanian city of Brasov, you can visit the famous Black Church.

In Moldova, ati putea vizita manastirile pictate si Iasul cu universitatea sa renumita.

In Moldavia, you could visit the painted monasteries and the city of Iassi, with its famous university.

In Bucuresti, puteti vizita Ateneul Roman si Muzeul de Arta.

In Bucharest, you could visit the Romanian Athenaeum and the Art Museum

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

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