Romanian Language in a Nutshell
Basic info on Romanian
România Internațional, 27.04.2014, 12:14
The language we speak today, contemporary Romanian, has its own history and its own cultural background. So today we thought we could come up with basic information about Romanian.
As usual, we begin with a useful set of words and phrases:
Limba Romana= Romanian language
Pe romaneste= in Romanian
Latina orientala=Oriental Latin
Evul Mediu=Middle Ages
Perioada pre-moderna= pre-modern period
Frecventa cuvintelor=word frequency
Influenta puternica=strong influence
Limba franceza=French language
Limba romanica=Romance language
Secolul al 19-lea= the nineteenth century
Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful sentences.
Limba romana este o lImba romanica.
The Romanian language is a romance language.
Limba Romana a evoluat din Latina Orientala.
Romanian Language evolved from Oriental Latin.
Vocabularul Limbii romane este de origine latina.
The vocabulary of Romanian language has a Latin origin.
Cu toate acestea, o parte importanta din vocabularul Lmbii romane contine cuvinte slave.
However, a significant part of Romanian vocabulary includes Slavic words.
In secolul al 19 lea, limba franceza a avlt o influenta puternica asupra Limbii romane.
In the nineteenth century, French had a strong influence on Romanian.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!