Music-related words in Romanian
Initiating a conversational exchange focusing on music

România Internațional, 01.11.2015, 12:00
Foreign visitors traveling to Bucharest for the first time have a rather negative representation of Romanians. However, in a couple of days, they are surprised to get to know people who are well-read, fluent in at least two foreign languages and ready to tackle a wide range of topics in day-to-day conversations. Music is still a conversation warmer, so here is a series of words related to music in Romanian.
Cinta( la un instrument)=play (an instrument)
Instrument musical=musical instrument
Cintareata=(female) singer
Album = album
Pian = piano
Gen muzical=musical genre
Muzica clasica=classical music
And here are some meaningful communicative patterns including some of the music-related words and expressions.
Muzica este o arta.
Music is an art.
Canti la vreun instrument muzical?
Do you play any musical instrument?
Ce gen de muzica asculti?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Aceasta este melodia mea preferata.
This is my favorite song.
Am primit cadou cel mai nou album al formatiei
I received the bands latest album as a present.
El canta la pian.
He plays the piano.
Muzica clasica este genul ei muzical preferat.
Classical music is her favorite musical genre.
Ei canta la chitara.
They can play the guitar.
Thats all we had time for in todays Romanian Without Tears. Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!