Linking words

România Internațional, 15.11.2015, 12:00
If theres any language area where Romanian and English are most different from one another, that is the use of the prepositions or of the adverbs turned prepositions.
Today we begin a series focusing on linking devices in Romanian, from the simple to the more complex ones.
Here is a bunch of useful words and phrases:
In =in
Inauntru, in interior=Inside
In casa=inside the house
Cu mine=with me
Fara mine=without me
Sub masa=under the table
Inainte de rasarit=before sunrise
And here are some meaningful sentences including some of the words:
Pisica noastra s-a ascuns sub masa.
Our kitty hid under the table.
Afara, oamenii scandau lozinci anti-guvernamentale.
Outside the house, people were shouting anti-governmental slogans.
S-au descurcat de minune fara mine.
They were doing fine without me.
Au venit cu mine in excursie, si le-a placut foarte mult.
They came with me on the trip, and they enjoyed it a lot.
Bunica mea obisnuia sa se trezeasca inainte de rasarit.
My grandmother used to get up before sunrise.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!