Interrogations markers in Romanian
Wh-questions in Romanian

România Internațional, 02.08.2015, 12:00
Wh-questions in English are a functional area you need to master, if you want to be proficient in spoken English. The same thing happens in Romanian, since the every-day spoken language is replete with interrogation markers. So this time we bring you the basics of question formation in Romanian.
As usual, we begin with a series of useful words and expressions:
What? – ce?
Who? – cine?
Where? – unde?
When? – cand?
Why? – de ce?
How? – cum?
Which? – care?
How much? – cat?
Now let us use some of the words and expresions in meaningful sentences:
Ce ai in geanta?
What do you have in your bag?
Cine este femeia aceea?
Who is that woman?
Unde este Alexandru?
Where is Alexandru?
Cand poti veni?
When can you come?
De ce nu a ajuns?
Why hasnt he arrived?
Cum deschizi cutia aceasta?
How do you open this box?
Care este masina ta?
Which car is yours?
Cat a costat jacheta ta?
How much did your jacket cost?
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.