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How Do I Get There?

Asking for directions

How Do I Get There?
How Do I Get There?

, 20.10.2013, 14:14

If your stay in Romania turns out to be longer than planned, you may find it useful to learn how to ask for directions.

Here are a couple of words and phrases that are crucial for your survival Romanian kit.

A cauta= to look for

Inainte=straight on/straight ahead

La dreapta= to the right

La stinga= to the left

A cere= to ask for

A incerca=to try



A gasi= to find

A gresi= to make a mistake

A ajunge= to arrive

Now let us use some of the words in meaningful communicative patterns:

Alin and Sanda Popescu sint din Brasov.

Alin and Sanda Popescu are from Brasov.

They are now in Bucharest and are looking for the “Astoria” hotel.

Acum ei sint in Bucuresti si cauta hotelul “Astoria”.

Spuneti-mi, va rog, unde este hotelul Astoria”?

Could you please tell me where the Astoria Hotel is?

Mergeti inainte, apoi faceti la dreapta.

Walk straight ahead, then turn right.

Scuzati-ma, cit de departe este posta?

Excuse, me, how far is the post office?

Nu foarte departe. Mergeti pe jos cam zece minute, apoi faceti la stinga.

Not very far. Walk for about ten minutes, then turn left.

Veti vedea cladirea postei chiar in fata dumneavoastra.

You will see the post office building right in front of you.

Este o cladire foarte mare. Nu aveti cum sa nu o observati.

It is a huge building. You can’t miss it.

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