Being assertive in professional interaction
As a foreigner, you may not only be a visitor to Romania, you may also be professionally involved in an institution, in the capital city Bucharest or in other cities across the country. There is a lot of tension in the social and professional interaction, and more often than not you need to be assertive, if not…assertive-aggressive. So today you will learn how to demand an explanation or clarification from someone you know, or someone you work with.

România Internațional, 25.10.2015, 12:00
As a foreigner, you may not only be a visitor to Romania, you may also be professionally involved in an institution, in the capital city Bucharest or in other cities across the country. There is a lot of tension in the social and professional interaction, and more often than not you need to be assertive, if not…assertive-aggressive. So today you will learn how to demand an explanation or clarification from someone you know, or someone you work with.
Here is a series of useful words and expressions:
A sti=know
De ce=why
A veni, a aparea=to turn up
A da cu imprumut=lend
And here are some meaningful, communicative patterns including some of the words and expressions. Vreau sa stiu de ce barbatii trebuie sa mearga la razboi.
I want to know why men must go to war.
Vreau sa stiu de ce soarele rasare intotdeauna in acelasi loc.
I want to know why the sun always rises in the same place.
Vreau sa stiu de ce ai venit mai tirziu la servici astazi.
I want to know why you have turned up late for work this morning.
Vreau sa stiu de ce munca se plateste putin in institutia dumneavoastra.
I want to know why work is so poorly paid in your institution.
Vreau sa stiu de ce ai uitat sa-mi inapoiezi cartea pe care ti-am imprumutat-o acum trei luni.
I want to know why you have forgotten to bring back the book I lent you three months ago.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!