A selection of some of the messages received as part of RRIs competitions Govora Spa - A Healing Oasis and Holiday on the Black Sea: ...
Excerpts from listeners entries to RRIs competitions Govora Spa – A Healing Oasis and Holiday on the Black Sea:
Browse through the messages sent in by our listeners
Rajdeep Das, Kolkata, India: “RRI programs are always my favourites, and whenever I can manage time (especially during weekend mornings) I tune in....
Browse through the messages sent in by RRI's listeners
“Dear Radio Romania International, I received your English language program on Shortwave Radio on 15460kHz between 1200 UTC to 1300 UTC on the date...
Dear friends at RRI, Thank you so much for all the beautiful QSL-card I received today. Now I am a complete last year and also so far this...
“I am a student and also an enthusiastic shortwave listener from India. It has been almost a year that I have been listening to RRI. English. I...
Excerpts from some of the messages sent in by our listeners
“(…) I have always fantasised about visiting Romania and its neighbouring countries Hungary and Bulgaria. Its name Romania echoes two things in...