Bucharest Gaming Week 2020
The fourth edition of this already popular event was held online

Vlad Palcu, 03.12.2020, 14:00
With coronavirus-related lockdown restrictions in place all over the world, people, young and old, have turned to video games, anguished and eager to retrieve some sense of their lives before the pandemic.
The gaming industry has skyrocketed in the second half of the year, game development studios everywhere reporting record-high sales. In the Spotlight this week we take a look at the opportunities this sector has to offer.
Held over November
16-22, Bucharest Gaming Week featured over 40 new game launches presented by content
creators, workshops held by influential streamers and vloggers, interviews with
managers of local game development studios, art exhibitions of Romanian video
games, game design and gaming content workshops addressing young students and
content creators, but also live E-sports competitions.