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Who do Romanians trust?

The president offices confidence ratings have gone up in recent months, while the churchs ratings have decreased

Who do Romanians trust?
Who do Romanians trust?

, 23.12.2015, 13:02

The president’s office enjoys the highest confidence ratings according to an opinion poll conducted by INSCOP. More than half of respondents say they have much and very much confidence in this institution. The mayor’s office comes second, far behind, with 37%. The Constitutional Court is third, followed by the government, county councils, Parliament and political parties on the last position.

The tragic fire at Bucharest’s Colectiv nightclub has had a great impact with respect to people’s confidence in the country’s executive bodies. As far as the latter are concerned, for the first time in the INSCOP polls, the fire department enjoys the highest approval ratings, with 80%. The next places are occupied by the army and the gendarmerie, followed by the National Anticorruption Directorate in the fourth place.

Among social and private institutions, the Church has the highest approval ratings, 56%. However, this rating is lower than in September as a result of the Church’s response to the tragedy at Colectiv. Universities come second, with a confidence rating of 43%, followed by the media, civil society organisations, employers’ associations and banks. With respect to international institutions, NATO still has the highest confidence rating, with more than 55%, slightly less than in September.

The United Nations Organisation is not far behind, followed by the European Union in the third position, with a little over 50%. The following places are occupied by the European Parliament and the European Commission. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund occupy the last positions, with 34% and almost 30% respectively. The confidence ratings of these two institutions saw a slight drop compared with the previous poll. Another survey conducted by INSCOP shows that almost half of respondents believe that political parties pull the strings of Dacian Ciolos’ government.

More than 40% believe in it, however, and want a technocratic cabinet after the 2016 elections as well. Moreover, 50% of respondents say they prefer a technocratic government because it is more competent, while 32% say they prefer a political government. President Klaus Iohannis has the highest confidence rating among public figures in Romania, followed by the governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, and Prime Minster Dacian Ciolos.

(Translated by Cristina Mateescu)

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