US Ambassador Chats Online with Romanians
Hans Klemm had an online discussion with Romanian citizens on Thursday.

Daniela Budu, 20.11.2015, 13:36
The United States will remain a strong ally, partner and friend of Romania, the US Ambassador to Bucharest HE Hans Klemm said on Thursday during a webchat with Romanian citizens. The US official said that, as a strategic partner of Romania, Washington wanted Romania to be strong and robust, with a sustainable economic growth, adding that in order to encourage more US investment to Romania, the Government needs to fight corruption and improve the business sector. There already is substantial US investment in sectors such as IT, judicial services and consultancy, even agriculture, but Hans Klemm believes the Government can do more to attract other US investors.
The US ambassador said he could do his best to encourage US businesses to look at opportunities in Romania, although a decision on whether to invest or not is strictly linked to the appeal of the Romanian business sector. This is why transparency, predictability and accountability are key, Hans Klemm went on to say.
In response to the numerous questions from Romanians regarding the liberalization of the visa regime for Romanian citizens, Hans Klemm said the Obama administration was trying to push new legislation in this field, although it is a long and complicated process. Hans Klemm also said the provisions of the Visa Waiver programme are tied to the relevant American legislation in force, and that many criteria must be fulfilled for a country to become eligible. Ambassador Klemm also debunked the myth that obtaining a visa for the United States was extremely difficult, arguing that the application process is in fact quite simple. Romania has made efforts to meet the criteria, and the application visa rejection rate also went down.
The US official also referred to the new Government in Bucharest, saying that the main priorities of the US, namely promoting security, democracy and prosperity, are reflected in the governing programme of the new Cabinet. In this respect, Ambassador Klemm saluted the consolidation of Romanias strategic partnership with the US and the countrys contribution to NATO as one of the 10 points in the programme put forth by Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos. The US Ambassador also appreciated the Governments commitment to continue to fight against corruption, support the judiciary and improve the business sector.
(Translation by: Vlad Palcu)