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UN backs call on Russia to pull out troops from Moldova

The UN adopted a resolution requesting the pullout of Russian troops from Transdniester

UN backs call on Russia to pull out troops from Moldova
UN backs call on Russia to pull out troops from Moldova

, 25.06.2018, 12:43

As anticipated by analysts, the UN General Assembly adopted by a large majority a draft resolution tabled by the Republic of Moldova, requesting the withdrawal of Russian troops from the pro-Russian separatist region of Transdniester. Ten countries worked on drafting the document, including Moldovas neighbours Romania and Ukraine, the 3 Baltic states, themselves subject to half a century of Soviet occupation, and key members of the European Union and NATO, such as Britain and Poland.

A steady supporter of the independence and integrity of the neighbouring state, Bucharest promptly hailed the adoption of the resolution by a vote of 64 to 15, and 83 abstentions. The USA, Germany, France, Canada, Turkey and Japan are among the relevant international players that have backed the request for Russia to withdraw its military. Voting against were some of Moscows loyal allies, such as Armenia and Belarus, as well as the dictatorial regimes of North Korea, Syria and Cuba.

The separatist authorities of Transdniester and the pro-Russian president of Moldova, Igor Dodon, did not conceal their frustration. However, on behalf of the pro-Western Government of the Republic of Moldova, the former PM and foreign minister and current deputy PM Iurie Leanca said the outcome of the vote is a success:

Iurie Leanca: “We are all aware that a resolution adopted in the General Assembly is of a rather symbolic nature, yet symbolism means a lot in international relations. And although we do not expect immediate moves in that region and the withdrawal of the ammunition and the troops guarding the ammunition there, nevertheless this is a very important goal.

The scene of an armed conflict that killed hundreds and only ended following the intervention of Russian troops on the side of the separatists, Transdniester has been outside the control of Moldovan authorities since 1992. The Republic of Moldova, which had just proclaimed its independence the year before, still had no armed forces of its own at that time, so it only sent police corps and volunteer units to face the Russian military.

Moscow itself has not recognised the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Transdniester, a region often described as a crime haven at the gates of Europe, a hub of arms, drugs and human trafficking. In 1999, at the OSCE summit in Istanbul, Russias then president Boris Yeltsin undertook to pull out arms and troops from Transdniester. The process ground to full halt 5 years later, and Moldovan authorities estimate that today 1,500 to 1,700 Russian troops and some 21,000 tons of ammunition still illegally remain in the breakaway east of the country.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

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