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Timisoara, 29 years on

A day of mourning is kept in Timisoara on Monday, 29 years since the spark of the 1989 Anti-Communist Revolution was kindled in Romania

Timisoara, 29 years on
Timisoara, 29 years on

, 17.12.2018, 13:35

29 years ago, the first victims of the repression against those who took the courage to rise up against Nicolae Ceausescu’s communist dictatorship were killed by bullets in the streets of Timisoara. On December 17, 1989, by Ceausescu’s order, fire was opened at the protesters: 58 people were killed and hundreds got injured. A day of mourning has been decreed in Timisoara on Monday, in memory of those who died for freedom, and flags are flying at half mast. A social mass has been celebrated at the Metropolitan Bishopric and flower tributes have been paid at the Crucifixion Monument.

Masses and memorial services have been performed at the Heroes’ Cemetery and the Martyrs’ Church and, in the evening, a moment of silence will be kept and vigil candles will de placed on the steps of the Cathedral, each candle featuring the faces of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. “Immortality candles” were lit in Timisoara’s Victory Square at the weekend and a memorial concert was given by musicians. Also, scores of Timisoara residents took part in a remembrance march: with torches in their hands, they started from the Maria Square, the place where the Anti-Communist Revolution broke out 29 years ago, then crossed the Victory Square and walked to the Heroes’ Cemetery, where they kept a moment of silence.

The march is organized every year, under the slogan “Heroes Never Die”. Although approximately 30 years have passed since the Revolution, those days are still vivid in the memory of the former fighters for freedom, the descendants of the martyr heroes and of common people in Timisoara, who chose to take part in the march this year, too, to recall the start of the street protests which led to the overthrow of the communist dictatorship.

One of the participants has told us: “The spark was kindled in Maria Square and then it extended to the city centre. People chanted ‘Down with the dictator!’ and afterwards the whole city rose up.”

Most of those who are attending the ceremonies in Timisoara do not hesitate to express their discontent about the fact that some of the Revolution ideals haven’t been reached until now, some 30 years after the fall of communism.

“I am Dumitru Coliban, the representative of the Timisoara branch of the ‘16 Decembrie 89’ Association. And now, 29 years on, I regret that things haven’t unfolded for the country and for the people the way I liked it, the way WE wanted, back then, but I am confident because I know how strong this Romanian people is and I’m looking at the future with much hope.”

“The Romanian Revolution started on December 16 and, in my opinion, just as it happens with all revolutions, it hasn’t ended yet. We wanted a decent life and unfortunately many Romanians do not lead a decent life. And what’s more, there is no respect for the spilled blood.”

The series of commemorative events continues in the following period of time, also in Bucharest, the city where the flame of the Revolution in Timisoara propagated to, 29 years ago. (translated by D. Vijeu)

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