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The UNITER Awards Gala draws near

The 31st edition of the UNITER Awards Gala will be held on June 12 in Timișoara

The UNITER Awards Gala draws near
The UNITER Awards Gala draws near

, 08.06.2023, 13:50

The Gala of UNITER – the Theatre Union in Romania – will this year be held in Timișoara. Its not a random choice, as UNITER returns to Timișoara after a six-year break at a very special moment for this city, which in 2023 is the European Capital of Culture. For the first time, the event has been already opened to the public, which means spectators can view some of the plays nominated in the Best play section, alongside theatre celebrities. Organizers say the Gala will be a genuine show, directed by theatre stage director and filmmaker Dragoș Buhagiar and dancer and choreographer Răzvan Mazilu. UNITER will be rewarding the best performances of 2022 in a dynamic show inspired by the 1920s and 1930s, offered to the audience in unconventional venues as well. Dragoș Buhagiar, the president of UNITER, says he took on the role to direct the show because he worked in Timișoara for many years and knows how this city lives and breathes. He promises the show will be unprecedented.

“This years UNITER Gala reflects local specificity. The show is created by Răzvan Mazilu, for the first time. It will be presented by four young, singing actors, all very talented. The decorum and costumes will remind audiences of the 1930s. Im very interested in Art Deco, which I believe is well suited for Timișoara”.

In turn, the director of the Timișoara National Theatre, Ada Hausvater, says the decorum factory will be an actual part of the show.

“We will have two representations hosted by the production hall, which was specially refitted to host the two performances of the Iași National Theatre”.

The list of artists nominated at the UNITER Awards Gala this year includes actors Victor Rebengiuc, Claudiu Bleonţ, stage directors Silviu Purcărete, Declan Donnelan and Radu Afrim. Three plays are competing in the Fresh Romanian Drama section: the play “Herbarium” directed by Radu Afrim at the Târgu Mureș National Theatre, “Medea: The Fury”, directed by Radu Popescu at the Apropo Theatre in Bucharest, and “The Sparrow”, directed by Leta Popescu at the “Fani Tardini” Theatre in Galați. In the radio drama section two productions of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation have also been nominated. Competing for the best play award are “Oedipus Rex” by Declan Donnellan, staged at the Craiova National Theatre, “Antonin Artaud: The Cenci”, a play directed by Silviu Purcărete at the Iași National Theatre and “Seaside Stories” by Radu Afrim, presented by the Constanța State Theatre. (VP)

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