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The problems of the Romanians living abroad

Romanias President Klaus Johannis hopes the issue of postal voting will be settled by the time Parliament goes into recess.

The problems of the Romanians living abroad
The problems of the Romanians living abroad

, 16.09.2015, 13:29

Romania’s goal is to create an important
relationship with Romanians living and working abroad, Romania’s President,
Klaus Johannis said at a conference focusing on the problems of the Romanian
diaspora. He argued that a solution to reduce the exodus abroad of Romanian
experts was the recognition of their diplomas and facilitating the equivalence
of their studies worldwide. Klaus Johannis:

I think that one of the problems that can be
rapidly solved, if there is will to do it, is the recognition of diplomas and
the equivalence of studies worldwide by optimising the mechanisms of that
process. A few thousand youths leave this country every year to study abroad
and the expertise they can bring home upon graduation and sometimes after
carrying out professional activities abroad for a period of time is very

The Romanian President says the potential of
the diaspora will be fully exploited when working abroad will be a question of
choice, not of necessity. In the President’s view, providing conditions for
Romanians abroad to exert their right to vote was essential. He expressed hope
that political parties will keep their promise to pass the postal voting bill
by the time Parliament goes into recess.

Attending the Bucharest conference, the
Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, said that the Romanian diplomacy had
to have a flexible, dynamic and proactive attitude under the current security
circumstances. He said that the youths in the diaspora were a relevant factor
helping diplomacy find innovating solutions in this respect. He made it clear
that in order to make young Romanian people stay at home, it was necessary for
their country to become an attractive destination for their career and
expressed hope that the youths educated and trained abroad would come back
home. Bogdan Aurescu:

The very intricate context these days shows us
that we are duty bound to ensure and generate social stability and security by
joint efforts. This reality more than ever before shows the need to activate
the strategic resource which young people represent and involve them in
Romania’s development process, by making use of the expertise they acquired
abroad and through concrete ideas, solutions and actions.

Bogdan Aurescu argued that promoting Romania’s
goals, including those relating to its foreign policy, must be based to a
larger extent on the contribution of valuable young people who study and work

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