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The most sought after jobs in Romania

Most of the Romanians are looking for a job in sales, bookkeeping, engineering IT and production

The most sought after jobs in Romania
The most sought after jobs in Romania

, 12.06.2023, 14:00

The most wanted jobs in Romania are in crisis-proof fields
such as sales, bookkeeping, engineering, IT and production, says a survey on a certain
recruitment platform. At the same time many Romanians, over 40%, are interested
in jobs where the salary is explicitly posted in the announcements. Most
applications have been filled in domains that are constantly looking for
employees, with a good number of offers where salaries grow by the year.

So the most attractive domain is that of sales, which
also has the largest job offer in Romania with salaries between 400 and 600
euros for salesmen and between 1400 – 1800 for managers. Wages for accountants
and financial advisors are ranging between 800 and 1100 Euros, while expert
accountants can get up to two thousand Euros. Engineers are getting salaries
between 12 hundred and 18 hundred Euros according to their area and level of
expertise, less than IT workers whose average wages are somewhere around three
thousand Euros depending on their skills and area of expertise.

The aforementioned recruitment platform has over 14 hundred
jobs for civil constructions engineers in Bucharest and other major cities. Besides
salaries, the employers are offering regular bonuses, private medical insurances,
meal vouchers and free transportation. According to the representatives of the
aforementioned recruitment platform, in the past years Romania has registered a
significant growth in the field of civil construction, mainly fueled by
infrastructure investment, the construction of new real estate and restoration

As for the IT field, the platform has 375 jobs
available also including remote working. Another growing field is production,
where employees can get up to 800 Euros monthly pay, whereas management and
coordination positions can get between 900 and 13 hundred Euros.

In the past three years, experts believe, the need for
qualified personnel in the fields of construction, IT and Telecommunications,
as well as medicine has seen a significant growth.

In another development, even if statistics show that
four out of ten Romanians are getting the minimum wage, recruitment experts say
that Romania offers jobs with monthly salaries up to 7 thousand Euros.
According to them there are employees paid as much as their counterparts in
Germany or France and if many Romanians chose to leave the country a couple of
years ago for better-paid jobs abroad, the situation has changed of late.
According to data released by recruitment agencies, in the first months of the
year, employers have published over 160 thousand new job offers for which they
have registered 4.4 million applications. 84% were for jobs in various offices
around the country, whereas the others were remote or jobs abroad.


Photo: pixabay.com
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