Serious incident in France
In France, the attack over an adolescent believed to be a Roma ethnic from Romania has stirred vivid reactions.

Roxana Vasile, 19.06.2014, 14:16
“The photo that will shock France” is one of the headlines carried by the British paper The Telegraph, which published photos that have not been confirmed as authentic but which are presented as being of the alleged Roma adolescent from Romania attacked last week on the outskirts of Paris.
The pictures show a badly beaten teenager in a supermarket trolley, believed to be a 16-year old named Darius. He lived with his family and several other Roma ethnics in a derelict house in the Pierrefitte-sur-Seine commune in France. The boy is believed to have been attacked by angry residents of a French housing estate who accused him of breaking into an apartment. He suffered multiple head injuries and has been placed in an artificial coma by doctors.
The attack has scandalised the entire country, while French President Francois Hollande said the attack was, quote, “unspeakable and unjustifiable … and against all the principles on which our republic is founded.” unquote. On the same note, the country’s PM, Manuel Valls, called on the police to bring those responsible for this despicable deed to justice. Human rights associations and organisations fighting for the right of minorities have denounced the stigmatisation of the Roma community.
Prosecutors dealing with the case, however, have abandoned the hypothesis of a racist attack. They have acknowledged the barbarian nature of the case, but say the reason is private revenge. Nevertheless, last week’s event in France is quite relevant for the mounting violence against Roma ethnics in France. The Romeurope Association believes this case is in fact a consequence of years of ineffective public policies and of an unhealthy environment fuelled by media organisations, politicians and representatives of the French state.