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Romanians, victims of terror attacks

An increasing number of Romanians has recently fallen victims to terror attacks in various parts of the world.

Romanians, victims of terror attacks
Romanians, victims of terror attacks

, 10.04.2017, 13:39

An increasing number of Romanians has recently fallen victims to terror attacks in various parts of the world, attacks that have become much more frequent in the past 16 years. In recent years however terrorists have seemingly changed their tactics and manner of operating. If until now their favorite weapons were the more sophisticated and lethal types, such as explosives and assault rifles, in the past two years terror masterminds used vehicles to mow down pedestrians in Nice, Berlin, London and Stockholm.

Among their latest victims is Andreea Cristea, a 31-year old Romanian killed in the terror attack on the Westminster Bridge in London two weeks ago. Andreea Cristea fell off the bridge after the attacker, a radical Islamist born in Britain, had rammed his vehicle into the pedestrians on Westminster Bridge. The second Romanian tourist injured in London, Andreea’s partner, left the hospital shortly after the attack. Another Romanian was admitted to hospital with double leg fracture in the aftermath of the latest terror attack in Sweden.

The 83 year-old woman was hit by fragments of concrete projected by a lorry used by a terrorist to mow down pedestrians in Stockholm. Other Romanians have become victims of terrorism as well, although Romania has not been targeted directly. The first Romanians to fall victims of terror were four people killed in the 2001 attacks, the ones that were said to have changed the world. Three years later, 16 Romanians were killed in the bomb attacks in Madrid. Many other countries from Europe and other continents have become targets of bloody attacks masterminded by terror networks such as Al Qaeda, ISIS and their radical sympathizers. Two Romanians were killed and two others were injured in the 2015 November attack in Paris.

In March 2016, Brussels, the EU’s administrative capital and the city hosting NATO’s headquarters, became the scene of bomb attacks targeting the underground and the airport. 4 Romanians were injured in the attacks in Brussels. Last year a Romanian was killed and another one injured in the attack in Nice, France. Such acts of terror targeting innocent people have no justification, the authorities in Bucharest have repeatedly underscored, recalling that Romania remains firmly committed to combating all forms of terrorism reiterating the need for concerted international efforts to fight the scourge. World leaders have voiced compassion for the victims and also determination to put an end to terrorism.

(Translated by Daniel Bilt)

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