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Romanians and the Easter mini-holiday

Romanians chose to spend the Easter mini-holiday either at home or abroad

Romanians and the Easter mini-holiday
Romanians and the Easter mini-holiday

, 30.04.2019, 12:10

Romanians are
enjoying the mini-holiday, celebrating Easter and May 1. Orthodox and
Eastern-Catholic Christians on Sunday celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus
Christ, the biggest celebration of Christianity. At midnight they went to
church and monasteries to receive the holy light and sang Christ is Risen!
Part of Romanians chose to spend this holiday in guesthouses in rural areas, in
Maramures, northwestern Romania, preferring old villages, wooden houses and a
spectacular scenery, making the spectacle of village life. After the mass on
Sunday they took part in a series of customs observed in villages after Easter.
According to travel agencies, Romanians also headed to mountain resorts on
Prahova Valley, which is now 100% booked.

The most popular resorts are Sinaia,
Busteni and Azuga. Winter sports lovers can still ski in Sinaia, as most slopes
at 2,000m are still operational at this time of the year. Those who chose to
spend the holidays on the Black Seacoast are also in for a series of
entertaining activities. Music festivals have turned Mamaia and Vama Veche into
favorite destinations for Romanians. The Sunwaves festival in Mamaia has
brought together thousands of young people who party until dawn. Most guests
are Romanians, but also tourists from Great Britain, France, Russia, Poland,
Israel and even the United States.

Some of them chose a prolonged stay for the
May 1 celebration as well. Nightclubs in Mamaia are hosting events featuring
famous DJs such as Tujamo, Mahmut Orhan, Aron Chupa and ATB, as well as local
popular bands such as Carla’s Dreams, as a preview of the Neversea Festival to
be held in July. The Danube Delta has also attracted lots of tourists offering
comfortable accommodation, culinary treats and specific traditions. Thousands
of Romanians also chose to spend the holiday abroad, in Bulgaria, Greece,
Turkey or Egypt. Over 22,000 employees of the Interior Ministry are these days
deployed in areas hosting big events. Over 1,200 road traffic police officers
equipped with some 300 radar controllers are deployed on the main roads.

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