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Romanian-American consultations in Washington

Romania emphasized its important role in Central and South-Eastern Europe and at the Black Sea

Romanian-American consultations in Washington
Romanian-American consultations in Washington

, 09.11.2021, 13:50

Romania and the US reconfirmed on Monday in Washington
their commitment to consolidating the Strategic Partnership, covering areas
from military and security cooperation to political cooperation, economy,
energy and grassroots relations.

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasised,
during the meeting with the Romanian diplomacy chief Bogdan Aurescu, that Romania
is a stalwart
NATO Ally and the 2 countries work
closely together on many topics. We stand united in the face of the challenges
posed by Russia in various places, by China. We stand united as regards Europe’s
security and stability, the US Secretary of State also pointed out. According to
a press release by the US State Department, the 2 officials agreed
to collaborate on Black Sea security issues, among others.

In turn, Bogdan Aurescu told Radio Romania that all
the dimensions of the Strategic Partnership were discussed during the bilateral

Bogdan Aurescu: We discussed first of all our
cooperation within NATO, the need to consolidate defence and deterrence on the
Eastern Flank, especially at the Black Sea, in the context of the latest
security developments in the region, and we also discussed the importance of an
enhanced military presence of the US in the region and obviously in Romania.

The Romanian foreign minister also pointed out the
importance of developing some major strategic interconnection projects,
Rail2Sea and Via Carpathia. These projects will have a direct positive impact both
on the region’s economic development, and on military mobility. As regards
bilateral economic cooperation, Bogdan Aurescu stressed the need for increasing
American investments in the region.

He also reiterated Romania’s interest in concrete
progress with respect to Romania’s inclusion in the Visa Waiver programme, so
as to scrap visa requirements for the Romanians traveling to the US. He called
for the involvement of the American side in meeting this goal, among others by
supporting an adequate communication campaign to help lower the visa refusal
rate, which is the last criterion yet to be met by Romania.

Bogdan Aurescu: Obviously, at present we are dealing
with a refusal rate standing at 10.14%, as against the 3% ceiling stipulated by
the American legislation. This is why we need common goals, so as to find out
precisely the reasons that lead to this visa refusal rate and to be able to
calibrate a public information campaign.

The Romanian foreign minister’s visit to Washington
marks, among other things, the official opening of the 7th Strategic
Dialogue exchange. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

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