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Romania, the Republic of Moldova and European integration

Romania, through the voice of President Klaus Iohannis, reiterated its support for the Republic of Moldova, at several levels.

Romania, the Republic of Moldova and European integration
Romania, the Republic of Moldova and European integration

, 18.11.2016, 13:40

The recent victory in the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova by pro-Russian Socialist Igor Dodon against Maia Sandu, a pro-European reformer, runs the risk of symbolically erasing all steps, although small, taken by the former Soviet republic with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, in an effort to come closer to the EU. This is because Dodon has openly expressed his openness to a recalibration of the country’s foreign policy, so that Moldova gets back under Russia’s tutoring, just like in the 2001 — 2009 period, when it was ruled by Communists. Nevertheless, the envisaged switch of direction that has been announced by Dodon does not change the plans of neighbouring Romania, which, so far, has openly supported Chishinau’s European aspirations, and which has become a constant expertise provider in various fields of activity, as well as a sponsor of Moldova’s weak economy.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has recently referred to Romania’s special relation with the Republic of Moldova, at the debates entitled “The European Union between disintegration and reformation. Romania’s contribution to the European construction”, hosted by the northwestern city of Cluj Napoca. Klaus Iohannis: “This privileged relationship should however have a solid base in the 21st century. And, in my opinion, which has been shared by all members of Romania’s Higher Defence Council, this solid base should be an institutional one. Romania should and is willing to support the Republic of Moldova. This means that we should support the institutions in the Republic of Moldova to become more effective, stronger, to better represent the Moldovan society and to work more transparently.

Romania’s contribution to investments in the Moldovan economy and the support granted to Chishinau in an effort to become less dependent on Russian gas continue to be Romania’s firm commitments. Klaus Iohannis: “Romania should get involved in Moldova’s economy, but not in the sense that we would try to set the tone or lead something there, but by making investments in Moldova, creating, for instance, connections between the energy systems of Romania and Moldova, to ease their dependence on the only gas supplier they have now.”

Difficult times are looming ahead for the Republic of Moldova, in the new internal political context, in which big problems might become even more severe. According to statistical figures, one such problem is poverty, as the Republic of Moldova is the poorest European state, with a frail banking system, from which one billion dollars simply vanished, and a fragile justice system, unable to keep corruption in check, particularly graft, at the highest level.

(Translated by Diana Vijeu)

Photo: eyeonicimages / pixabay.com
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