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Romania purchases Patriot missiles

Romania will purchase 7 Patriot systems, for a combined 3.9 billion USD

Romania purchases Patriot missiles
Romania purchases Patriot missiles

, 21.11.2017, 13:27

Romania will purchase 7 Patriot systems, for a combined 3.9 billion USD plus VAT. The first of them, already approved by the American Administration, will cost around 765 million USD and will be bought by year-end. The Defence Minister Mihai Fifor says the purchase will strengthen national and regional security and will help consolidate the Romanian-American strategic partnership.

Mihai Fifor: “The Romania-USA strategic partnership launched on July 11, 1997, has been a major landmark in Romanias foreign policy, and an efficient instrument to support the domestic defence efforts. This purchase will also entail a stronger military cooperation between Romania and the US, transfers of technologies and sensitive information, and enhanced confidence between the two allies.

The Liberal Senator Iancu Caracota agrees that the presence of this type of missile on Romanian territory means improved security. Moreover, the purchase proves that the country is perceived as a reliable partner within the North Atlantic Alliance.

Iancu Caracota: “I am happy to see that, for the first time in recent years, the Romanian defence industry becomes an important partner for the producer of the Patriot systems. We have learned that Raytheon will sign a memorandum of understanding with Aerostar Bacau, enabling the Romanian defence industry to contribute to the production and maintenance of every Patriot system delivered to Romania.

In turn, Senator Adrian Tutuianu, a member of the Social Democratic Party in power in Romania, emphasises that the country needs a modern missile system, considering that at present the Romanian Army only has short and medium range surface-to-air missiles that are obsolete in terms of operation and technology.

Adrian Tutuianu: “The solution chosen by the Army best suits Romanias security interests, ensures interoperability with NATO structures, and provides better protection to the citizens of Romania, given the fundamental changes in the regional security context since 2014.

Nicu Falcoi, a member of the Save Romania Union in opposition, emphasises that his party will continue to support the allocation of 2% of the GDP for defence.

Nicu Falcoi: “However, this money must not be spent just for the sake of spending it, but it must ensure the highest possible gains for Romania. I know that this purchase brings Romania into a select club that is by no means easy to enter, and that our air defence capabilities will increase exponentially.

Patriot systems are regarded as the worlds most advanced technology in the field, with latest-generation interceptor missiles and complex radar systems able to detect and respond to threats within seconds.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

Photo: eyeonicimages / pixabay.com
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