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Romania-NATO, 20 years

The Defence Ministry in Bucharest marked two decades of NATO membership.

Klaus Iohannis attending the anniversary event
Klaus Iohannis attending the anniversary event "ROMANIA-NATO, 20 years" (Photo: presidency.ro)

and , 11.04.2024, 13:59

“As a NATO member state, Romania has the most solid security guarantees in history and observes the commitments taken at allied level, contributing, at the same time, to the strengthening of common security and collective defence”, said Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who participated in the conference “Romania – NATO, 20 years”, organized by the Defence Ministry on Wednesday.


According to the head of state, the current context generated by the war at the country’s borders increases Romania’s relevance as a pillar of regional security and stability. Klaus Iohannis emphasized that Bucharest must intensify its efforts to strengthen the reserve of military personnel, to revitalize the national defence industry and to modernize the transport infrastructure. Klaus Iohannis: “The defence of our citizens is one of the fundamental obligations of the Romanian state. However, people’s safety cannot be guaranteed without an army equipped with modern technology. As of 2023, Romania increased its GDP allocation for defence, from 2% to 2.5%, to equip the Romanian Army, motivate, train and improve the military and increase the level of interoperability with the allied forces”.


In his turn, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that joining NATO meant for Romania returning to the community of western democratic values and principles. Marcel Ciolacu: “Today, Romania is irreversibly anchored in the Euro-Atlantic community and represents, in its turn, a strategic NATO anchor on the Eastern Flank. Romania remains a mature and credible ally, with a proactive attitude and the ability to act sustainably to achieve its own objectives and protect allied values”.


Attending the event, the Speaker of the Senate, Nicolae Ciucă, said that Romania is a safe country thanks to the Army and the Alliance which it joined two decades ago, becoming a source of security in the region and an essential pillar of NATO in the Black Sea. He pointed out that a safer world for future generations depends on the continued support given to the neighbouring Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. Romania is safe because every square centimetre is defended by the NATO forces, said the interim speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfred Simonis, adding that the main message the Alliance sends is the protection of the idea of freedom and the sovereignty of nations.


Defence ministers from NATO countries, chiefs of staff and ambassadors of the allied countries participated in the event in Bucharest. In this context, the Romanian Minister of Defence, Angel Tîlvăr, had several bilateral meetings with counterparts and ambassadors from allied countries. We remind you that Romania officially joined the North Atlantic Alliance on March 29, 2004, by submitting the ratification instruments and that on April 2 the same year the country’s flag was raised at the NATO headquarters. (EE)

Photo: eyeonicimages / pixabay.com
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