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Romania – almost two decades in NATO

Romania celebrates 19 years of NATO membership

Romania – almost two decades in NATO
Romania – almost two decades in NATO

, 03.04.2023, 01:50

It has been 19 years since Romania became a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, under whose protection has benefited from the strongest security guarantee. On March 29, 2004, the Romanian state joined NATO, by submitting the instruments of ratification to the US State Department, the depository of the North Atlantic Treaty. In the same year, on April 2, at the NATO headquarters, the ceremony of the official raising of the flag followed.

This date has become NATO Day in Romania, and on April 4, the members celebrate 74 years since the foundations of the Organization were officially laid down. In this context, the Romanian head of state, Klaus Iohannis, has stated that Bucharest will promote the strengthening of the transatlantic relationship and the strategic partnership between the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union. We will remain involved in allied missions and commitments, and strengthening the national defense capacity will continue to be a priority for Romania, including by earmarking, starting this year, 2.5% of the GDP for Defense, Klaus Iohannis said.

He added that, at the same time, the strengthening of the transatlantic relationship and the strategic partnership between NATO and the Community bloc will be promoted, as well as support for increasing the resilience of partners in the region, especially the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, when the European continent is facing the worst security crisis in recent decades, triggered by the illegal and unjustified war launched by Russia against Ukraine, NATO’s fundamental role in ensuring peace and defending freedom, common democratic values, security and prosperity for its members is more important than ever, the Romanian head of state also stressed. President Iohannis has also said that the Alliance proves, once again, its indispensable character and absolute relevance in terms of security, constituting one of the basic pillars on which the defense of all its members, including Romania, is based, along with the national effort.

In turn, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă paid tribute to those who gave their lives for a safer world, under the protection of NATO, the strongest political-military alliance in history. Nicolae Ciucă said that Romania, through the overwhelming will of its population and the lucidity of its leaders, chose the path of democracy, freedom and European and Western vocation.

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tîlvăr, has also stated that, since its full accession to the Alliance, Romania has actively participated in the implementation of allied decisions through a consistent participation with troops and equipment in NATO missions in the Middle East and Western Balkans, as well as within the exercises and applications carried out in allied and partner countries. (MI)

Photo: pixabay.com
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