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Prize for Romania at the Berlinale

The Romanian film “Ana, mon amour, directed by Călin Peter Netzer, has won the Silver Bear at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival for Outstanding Artistic Contribution.

Prize for Romania at the Berlinale
Prize for Romania at the Berlinale

, 20.02.2017, 13:28

“Ana, mon amour”, the film directed by Călin Peter Netzer has won over film critics at the Berlin International Film Festival, bringing a new award to the Romanian film making industry. Dana Bunescu won the Silver Bear for editing the film as well as for outstanding artistic and technical contribution.

The film was screened on Friday evening in the official competition of the 67th edition of the Berlinale. Inspired by the novel “Luminiţa, mon amour”, written by Cezar Paul Bădescu, the long-reel captures the most tense and delicate moments in a couple’s evolution.

The script is signed by Călin Peter Netzer, Cezar Paul Bădescu and Iulia Lumânare. Dana Bunescu has shared some details on how the film was created, in an interview on Radio Romania.

Dana Bunescu: “The script was written like an obituary and then, when the film started to take shape, it became obvious that some things had to be put into a different perspective, had to be regarded differently. From that point onwards, we started working just like on any other film, taking small steps, building small puzzles first and finally the big one. Afterwards we took the much needed distance, to be able to have an overall picture, free from any biases.

Dana Bunescu has said she dedicates the prize to the team, “to each member of the team, because the film encompasses their whole work. Until it reached me, the film has gone through the hands and minds of many others. And you can feel their presence in each frame. And this should be respected”, says the winner of the Silver Bear for editing.

She called on spectators to enjoy the film. “There are some 200 people who sweated a lot when making the film. Spectators should just enjoy the film, although they will leave the cinema halls with a bitter sense of reality, because the film does create such a state of mind”, Dana Bunescu has also said.

This is not for the first time that a Romanian cinematographer wins a prize at the Berlinale. Four years ago, it was also Călin Peter Netzer, who grabbed the Golden Bear for his film titled “The Child’s Pose”. He says the prize won by Dana Bunescu this year, for editing the film, is fully deserved by the Romanian woman cinematographer. Do Călin Peter Netzer and Dana Bunescu intend to work together on a new film in the future?

Dana Bunescu: “Yes, of course, anything new is welcome. We make a good team together, we understand each other very well and work very well together. So, we will make a new film together.”

Another Romanian woman cinematographer who hopes to receive a prize is Ada Solomon. She is the first Romanian film producer running for an Oscar in the best foreign film category, with the film “Toni Erdmann”, directed by the German Maren Ade. Ada Solomon also produced Netzer’s film “The Child Pose”.

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