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Today in the News

Today in the News 24.06.2021

Motion of no confidence in Government

The first motion of no confidence in the Romanian Government has been read in Parliament

Motion of no confidence in Government
Today in the News 24.06.2021

140 years of Romanian-Spanish diplomatic relations

On 23 June, Romania and Spain celebrated 140 years of diplomatic relations.

140 years of Romanian-Spanish diplomatic relations
Today in the News 23.06.2021

Changes in the public pension system

Romanians with sufficient seniority can buy up to six years of contribution to the pension fund

Changes in the public pension system
Today in the News 22.06.2021

Romania – between flooding and extreme heat

While eastern Romania is seeing the most significant flooding in recent years, meteorologists have issued warnings for a new heatwave that is going to affect almost its entire territory

Romania – between flooding and extreme heat
Today in the News 22.06.2021

Romania, Bulgaria, closer to Schengen

As of July, Romania and Bulgaria will have limited access to the Schengen digital system

Romania, Bulgaria, closer to Schengen
Today in the News 18.06.2021

Vaccination – between trust and mistrust

2 million Romanians oppose vaccination, while some 800,000 claim there is no pandemic

Vaccination – between trust and mistrust
Today in the News 18.06.2021

Road carriers’ discontent

While Romanian politicians are promising in Brussels measures in support of road carriers, in Bucharest, they only attracted their criticism and generate protests.

Road carriers’ discontent
Today in the News 17.06.2021

Parliament dismisses Ombudsman

Less than two years after she was appointed, Romanias Ombudsman is now dismissed.

Parliament dismisses Ombudsman
Today in the News 17.06.2021

Inquiry into the tragedy at “Victor Babeș” hospital

Romanian magistrates have decided to place under house arrest two employees of the Victor Babeș Institute, charged with manslaughter.

Inquiry into the tragedy at “Victor Babeș” hospital
Today in the News 16.06.2021

Romania adjusts vaccination campaign

Romania asks vaccine suppliers to deliver fewer doses than planned in June as its vaccination drive is losing steam.

Romania adjusts vaccination campaign
Today in the News 16.06.2021

Transparency International on corruption in healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled corruption across the community bloc

Transparency International on corruption in healthcare
Today in the News 15.06.2021

The results of the NATO summit

The decisions of the NATO summit better safeguard the security of Romania and of its citizens, says president Klaus Iohannis.

The results of the NATO summit
Today in the News 15.06.2021

Colectiv trial is severed

The Bucharest Court of Appeal moves for the severance of the Colectiv trial.

Colectiv trial is severed
Today in the News 14.06.2021

Romania-NATO relations

Romania was one of the countries to host Defender-Europe 21 multinational exercise

Romania-NATO relations
Today in the News 14.06.2021

A busy weekend in Bucharest

After more than a year of restrictions Romanians have again been able to visit museums and stadiums

A busy weekend in Bucharest


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