The citizens of the ex-Soviet Republic of Moldova, with a majority Romanian speaking population, have chosen Europe following Sundays parliamentary elections.
PM Florin Cîţu will act as interim finance minister, after removing Alexandru Nazare from office
The European Commission has improved its forecast on the Romanian economy
Talks have been resumed in Romania regarding the “Educated Romania project launched by the president 5 years ago
The Venice Commission agrees with the dismantling of the special section investigating criminal offences within the judiciary
Since 1994, Justice Day is celebrated in Romania on the first Sunday in July
Slavery, human trafficking, sexual assault, torture of children become imprescriptible crimes in Romania.
1st July saw the introduction of the green certificate and a further easing of Covid restrictions in Romania.
Cîțu government survives no-confidence vote initiated by the Social Democratic Party in opposition.
Renate Weber to be reinstated as Ombudsman, after the Constitutional Court invalidates her dismissal by Parliament.
The coalition government in Bucharest has survived the first no-confidence motion filed by the Social Democratic opposition
The centre-right governing coalition in Bucharest is faced with a no-confidence motion, filed by the main opposition party
Romania has a surplus of anti-COVID vaccine, owing to the peoples low interest in getting immunised
Most Romanians believe that in Romania things are going in the wrong direction. Even so, more than half say they would not leave the country
The last Romanian detachment part of the NATO mission in Afghanistan returned to the country.