The regime change in Kiev puts an end to 3 months of street protests that killed more than 80 and wounded hundreds.
After days of violent clashes in central Kiev, the power and the opposition in Ukraine now seem to see reason. Controversial Ukrainian president...
Officially, the liberal and social democratic leaders of the ruling alliance in Romania are waiting until Monday to see whether there is any chance...
President Yanukovych has given in to international pressure and penned a peace deal.
Nobody believes anymore in the political marriage between the Social Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party, following the latest statements made by their leaders.
The Social Liberal Union, the clear winner of the 2012 parliamentary elections, is now on the verge of break-up. The disagreements between its main...
A compromise between the main coalition partners in Romania over a planned government reshuffle seems unlikely.
Most of the privatisations made in Romania in the post-Communist years are still overshadowed by more or less justified suspicions. This is also the...
Oil businesses seem to be very profitable in Romania, with the biggest oil company on the local market seeing record profits.
Astra Insurance, the largest insurance company in Romania, was placed under special administration on Monday.
After weeks of apparent calm, a fresh wave of violence is gripping Ukraine. The clashes in the capital city Kiev, between the radical...
Romania’s largest insurance firm Astra has been recently placed under special administration by the country’s Financial Surveillance Authority,...
On Tuesday night, Kiev turned into a battlefield, following clashes between protesters and the police.
On Monday, the Parliament in Bucharest saw another episode in the ongoing conflict between politicians and magistrates in Bucharest. The members of...
A number of projects launched at the end of 2013 are designed to change the Romanian healthcare system, and the Ministry plans that this year should...