Thursday was an unusually busy day in Bucharest from a political, legislative and juridical point of view.
Romanian Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu has paid a visit to Israel where he held talks with high officials.
Romania's taking over the EU Council presidency in the first half of 2019 is a challenge and a first for this country, as well as an opportunity
The presence of Russian troops in the east of the Republic of Moldova violates the country's constitution, say constitutional judges in Chisinau
The unitary pay bill, presented by the leftist Government in Bucharest as a priority, will be debated urgently in the Senate.
US ambassador in Bucharest Hans Klemm hopes an agreement will be signed by the end of the year on the purchase of American Patriot missiles by the Romanian state.
An EU Brexit summit was held in Brussels on April 29th
Ilinca and Alex Florea will be representing Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest this year.
Romania shares the EU stand on Brexit
Romanian authorities have taken measures to improve the health of the population
Romanian senators and deputies met in a festive session on the 26th of April to celebrate the role of the north-eastern city of Iasi in the Great...
The Government in Bucharest is preparing a multi-annual vaccine acquisition plan, and will set up a new structure to prevent a new vaccine crisis
The ECHR sets six-month deadline for Romania to find solutions to prison overcrowding.
The suspended sentence to two years in jail for Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea is still in force
Last year, four EU countries, Romania included, reported a budget deficit equal to or higher than 3% of the GDP