Romanias 2010 state budget bill is back in Parliament
Political parties in Romania are preparing for their first test this year, the European Parliament election
On the very day the European Parliament decided to back her nomination for EU chief prosecutor, Laura Codruta Kovesi was brought new accusations in Bucharest.
Romanias Prime Minister has presented a report on Romanias first two months as holder of the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The president of Romania is to send the state budget bill back to Parliament
According to the latest standard Eurobarometer, Romanians have more confidence in the European institutions than in the domestic ones
Health Minister Sorina Pintea announces anti-bribing campaign in Romania's hospitals
President Macron proposes adeep reform of the EU less than 3 months ahead of the EP elections
The effects of emergency decree 114 are still in the spotlight
The authorities are seeking new solutions to curtail the risks and determine a rapid and efficient response to a major earthquake
Thousands of Romanians have taken to the streets to demand an independent justice system
Post-election uncertainty persists in the neighboring Republic of Moldova
The NATO member states in the region plead for enhanced forward presence in Eastern Europe
Romanian Agriculture Minister Petre Daea wants to set up 30 new irrigation systems across the country.
The former chief of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, is in the lead for becoming the first-ever chief of the European Public Prosecutors Office