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Military Ordinances No. 5 and 6 of March 30, 2020

Interior Minister Marcel Vela issued Military Ordinances no. 5 and 6 of March 30, 2020 which toughen the measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and place the north-eastern city of Suceava and the surroundings under coronavirus quarantine

Military Ordinances No. 5 and 6 of March 30, 2020
Military Ordinances No. 5 and 6 of March 30, 2020

, 31.03.2020, 01:00

Military Ordinance no.5 of March 30, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 extends flight suspensions, among others. For instance, the measure to suspend flights to Spain and from Spain to Romania operated by commercial airlines, is extended by 14 days, as from March 31, 2020 at 18.00 hours. The measure to suspend flights operated by commercial airlines to Italy and from Italy to Romania is also extended for a period of 14 days, as of April 6, 2020.

Exception to the rule are flights operated by state-owned aircraft, cargo flights, airmail flights, humanitarian flights as well as emergency medical services flights. Non-commercial technical landings are also allowed.

The new military ordinance also stipulates that people who do not respect quarantine measures will be introduced into a new 14-day quarantine cycle, will bear all costs and will face prosecution. Persons who do not respect the conditions of self-isolation at the indicated place will be forced into quarantine for 14 days will bear all costs and will be fined.

Military Ordinance no.6 of March 30, 2020 on placing the city of Suceava and some surrounding communes under quarantine and on creating a buffer zone to protect territorial-administrative units in Suceava County is meant to contain the fast-paced spread of the novel coronavirus in the north-eastern part of the country. Thus, the city of Suceava is placed under coronavirus quarantine, as well as the surrounding area made up of the following eight communes: Adâncata, Salcea, Ipotești, Bosanci, Moara, Șcheia, Pătrăuți and Mitocu Dragomirnei.

Severe travel and movement restrictions are introduced, with th exception of well-defined social categories, such as freight carriers and those in the food supply chain, law enforcers, personnel of the defence and national safety system and healthcare employees.

A buffer zone is also created during the state of emergency, as a safety measure, around the localities on the red list, and it is made up of all other territorial administrative units in Suceava County.

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