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Initiatives and Measures against Smoking

Bucharest intends to have the number of smokers reduced substantially over the next 20 years.

Initiatives and Measures against Smoking
Initiatives and Measures against Smoking

, 09.09.2016, 13:24

Romania was one of the last countries in the EU to ban indoor smoking. It was only this spring that Parliament endorsed a very strict law in this respect, stirring mixed feelings among the Romanians. While some welcomed the measure, smokers obviously criticized it, including even some MPs, who said they have to walk the long corridors of the worlds second-largest administrative building, the Parliament Palace, in order to get to the special outdoor smoking areas.

Consequently, the Senates Healthcare Committee tabled a number of amendments to the anti-smoking law, which will be discussed in the current parliamentary session. In short, if the amendments were adopted, smoking would be allowed in any indoor location, on condition that proper signs were placed in the designated areas.

Meanwhile, 42,000 people die every year in Romania because of smoking-related problems, such as heart and circulatory diseases, malignant tumours and respiratory complications. More than half of the teenagers over 16 years of age have smoked at least once, and one-third of them are regular smokers. In this context, authorities intend to reduce significantly the number of smokers in the next two decades. At an international conference on “2035 – Romanias first smoke-free generation, President Klaus Iohannis pleaded for prevention, as a priority in healthcare policies.

Klaus Iohannis: “We can save lives by means of prevention. By focusing today on education in view of prevention, including awareness of the risks entailed by smoking, we can give future generations a chance to live a healthier life and make informed lifestyle choices.

In turn, Healthcare Minister Vlad Voiculescu urged Deputies to dismiss the Healthcare Committees proposed amendments to the anti-smoking law:

Vlad Voiculescu: “This is an attack against the lives of all citizens, whether employers or employees, clients or staff, children or adults. This is why I am confident that the Chamber of Deputies will address this mistake. Relaxing this law cannot lead to any positive results, in terms of public healthcare.

In 2004 Ireland was the first European country to ban smoking in enclosed areas. All the neighbouring states wondered how the Irish were going to succeed in keeping smoking out of their lively pubs. The Irish accepted the measure and adapted to it. So did the citizens of other European countries. Why would Romania be an exception? The experience of the other countries has proved that the economic effects of such a drastic law are not unbeatable, whereas the benefits for citizens health are undisputable.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

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